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Re: Weirdness: Round three

Té Rowan wrote:Hoary Old Fic Time: by dogbertcarroll.
Luna Lovegood is out to prank Harry Potter.

First chapter of that is just epic...
by Spica75
Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:09 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Weirdness: Round three
Replies: 1083
Views: 227186

Re: Favourite pictures v2.0

Té Rowan wrote:
Have Rei Hino and Asuka Langley changed roles?

Any translation?

Nice tits, indeed.

by Spica75
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:37 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Favourite pictures v2.0
Replies: 1329
Views: 449949

Re: Moussse throws a kitchen sink, announces he's out of wea

Recognise it. Have definitely read it. LOOONG ago. But now that i tried to find it, nothing... :| :?
There's always the risk that it's been removed. :(
by Spica75
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:29 am
Forum: Fic Search
Topic: Moussse throws a kitchen sink, announces he's out of weapons
Replies: 7
Views: 3092

Re: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0

Well... color me impressed about the variations. Don't know the game, don't have it, never played it, but in terms of a workout it seems to be able to get the job done depending on the songs you select :P My friend really likes it. And with how the options and difficulty levels ranges from "ha...
by Spica75
Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:26 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0
Replies: 970
Views: 389836

Re: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?

I was worrying about the war too much while I have 4 complex coding tasks with deadline "before March 1". And I've done absolutely nothing today at work except worrying about the war, watching youtube and printing a shop order on an office printer that costs like a small car. Which leaves...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:03 pm
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0

One I fave'd a long while ago, but is popping up in my YouTube homepage quite often again nowadays: Avast Fluttershy's Ass - 20% Cooler Yay Equaliser Edition . And yes, it's SFW in case anyone was wondering. Tho I must say it's not so much the video as it is the music (and the intro and outro speec...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:14 pm
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0
Replies: 970
Views: 389836

Re: Weirdness: Round three

Té Rowan wrote:
A real-life 3D café that looks like 2D line art? Definitely something.

That looks really, surprisingly, good actually.
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:27 pm
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Weirdness: Round three
Replies: 1083
Views: 227186

Re: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?

They are working on it for years now. The Power of siberia, The Power of Siberia 2... As far as I see, the throughput is still negligible, 1..2% of the former export to EU. -- are those pipes connected to a different field? Probably, almost certainly yes. You only build the infrastructure you expec...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:13 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0

Lies of Heroism – Redefining the Anti-War Film Not only about anti-war films. There's only a short slippery slope separating heroes from irredeemable villains. In their own eyes, there are no villains. Nazi thought themselves heroic saviors too. Very actu...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:51 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: Favourite Youtube videos v2.0
Replies: 970
Views: 389836

Re: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?

The question is... will this be over once the eastern provinces are overrun, or will Russia go for the whole country? The fact that they're attacking well outside those two provinces is likely just to prevent any counterattack from being organized. But it still leaves for doubt if that is really al...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:50 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?

[wince] I did not expect my President to be that decisive. On the other hand, both Sun Tzu and Alexander of Neva promote exactly that. I just wish there was a way without people dying. I expect this reposted all over internet soon: (14 Megabytes) About a d...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:37 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?

Funnily enough that book is banned in the Netherlands. It's been completely removed from circulation with fines attached to it and all... Still have a digital copy anyway, which I planned to read someday to see how insane Adolf really was. Not entirely recommended, because as Cheb noted, it is devi...
by Spica75
Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:21 am
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: Anyone knows a good Brazilian or ~ hosting with VPS supp

I hope this madness exhausts itself one day. There would be one hell of a hangover then. The true reason... Is probably our and China's course to deswiftization and dedollarization (already in progress, about 5 years from completion optimistically) - like the real reason why Kaddafi and Lybia were ...
by Spica75
Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:22 pm
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

Re: Anyone knows a good Brazilian or ~ hosting with VPS supp

yes, we DO recognize LNR and DNR's independence officially. With the endless anti-Russian propaganda, while totally ignoring Ukrainian crap, including that it all started with a coup that was mostly organised by nazis, literally(Svoboda specifically used NSDAP as their template), with the support o...
by Spica75
Mon Feb 21, 2022 4:57 pm
Forum: Other Talk
Topic: [RESOLVED, it's Luxembourg] ..osting with VPS support?
Replies: 31
Views: 9857

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