Ya know, I used to be happy when you updated this story. Now I just kind of
get annoyed.
Its beautifully written, well plotted, and has an intricate storyline that is
both deep and complex.
Therein lies the problem. You update this story so slowly and its so complex,
that when you do update it I'm completely lost because I've forgotten many of
the details. I dont live this story. I dont spend hours and hours on it
polishing it and working out every detail, unlike you and yours.
I talked to Larry and he came up with a good solution. To have a recap summary on the start. And we came up with a method that works in the context of the story.
To: General Anderson Operations Centre 01
From: Colonel Jacob Edwards WIC Toronto
On this date, elements for the Assembly of Man ambushed a WIC convoy enroute to a Pattern V nest. There were 7 agents KIA and over 26 AOM. Given our contractors, exact count of enemy casualties will take some time. Speaking of them, Miss Saotome was the intended target. Attached information indicates the advancement of her regeneration. The weapons created by Master Nishina and Major Saotome preformed well and proved pivotal in the combat.
The D program saved the lives of two agents and they will be put under Captain Jarvis' direct command. She had fought well and did not falter. I believe that she will be a good core for any new unit being formed from this program. Miss Mizuno also assisted and helped with the capture of Assemblyman that gave us the location of their base. She is currently under surveillance and her risk is being evaluated.
With your approval, long-range assets have been released and will be used in the counter attack. That operation is currently commencing. Miss Saotome has agreed to spearhead this mission while our forces maintain the quarantine.
This seems to be the culmination of the recent AOM surveillance. Once they learned enough about our moments, they would strike, and attempt to eliminate our "demonic advantage". Flowing that, they would attack in force. Our operation will counter this.
As mentioned before, Miss Mizuno is quite busy. Her recent abduction and transformation of Miss Aino into a "golden Senshi" has prompted Miss Tsukino to hire Miss Saotome and by extension WIC. The schism in the Pattern Silvers has given us a favorable position.