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Ranma's Date Clothes from The Return, Interlude 3

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:58 pm
by Sunshine Temple
Spoilers so please look only after reading Interlude 3.

Here's two pieces that Pat made.

The first is Ranma getting ready for her date... and after Misako's given her a bit of a makeover.

And the second is a variation showing Ranma's status the morning after her date.

Re: Ranma's Date Clothes from The Return, Interlude 3

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:59 am
by frice2000
Not a fan of the shoes in both. They don't give me a sexy or sophisticated vibe. Feel like something a teen girl would wear, could've done with something more naturally and gently curved. Anatomy wise the distance between her hips and breasts seem a bit odd. Other then that nice expression on her face and while I'm not a fan of the hairstyle (I like woman's styles that have their hair a bit wilder and freer) you did a very very impressive amount of detail on the hair with some quite nice detail on the individual strands.

As to the second picture most of the same criticisms apply. Adding on to those tail doesn't seem "alive" enough. Maybe if you had it manipulating something or in a more interesting position it'd be a stronger feature. With all we've seen succubae in this story do with their tails could use something more with it, or perhaps showing some of the filaments it possesses? Other then that nice horns. Remind me a lot of Alexstrasza from Warcraft but they do look quite nice regardless of if that is your inspiration or not. Nice work on the glasses too but kind of seems like the color from the eyes slipped on to the glasses a bit which is a little distracting.

A general criticism of your work is that in many of the pictures I've seen this artist draw I've always thought the mouth could be more descriptive. A bit of teeth showing or smaller lips but a more animated expression of them could really elevate the art quite a bit.

Re: Ranma's Date Clothes from The Return, Interlude 3

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:00 pm
by Sunshine Temple
I'll answer what I can on the images.

To be fair the shoes were given to her by a teen girl ;p

The horns are based off of a ram style with the curls pulled out to make it clearer to see.

As for the hair, normally Ranma does have very wild and free and deep red hair. But for this bit she has confined and sculpted and partially blonde hair ;p

Very good comments. Thanks!