Quotes from page 23
Spokavriel wrote: Ah that explains it. But it still does nothing for the now 2 painful plot holes related to age in OVA 3. Tenchi's Sister being 80 look at his father who didn't know of the existence of alien life and tell me he's well into his 90's to make that fit with him as a teenage parent?
And now there's Kiyone dieing at only a couple hundred years old of old age while her mother barely looks over 30 and hasn't had any signs of a similar fate. Her father is clearly over 1,000.
The sister one is enough I always have trouble enjoying watching the third OVA.
Then again I probably should have made a thread in the Series Discussion Other threads for that.
KonokoHasano wrote:Actually, Nobuyuki -- Tenchi's father -- is in his 200's as well. He's a descendant of Yosho's. The likely scenario was that he was pretending to know nothing about aliens, much like how Yosho/Katsuhito pretended to be an ordinary shrine priest.
Ordinary Juraians actually have a life-span almost similar to humans, and people can have their life-span extended by undergoing Body Enhancement and other various things accompanied by the use of technology. Yosho/Katsuhito has stated that the only thing sustaining his life is his tree ship, Funaho. If Funaho were to die or something, then he likely wouldn't have long to live.
Edit: Yeah, maybe another thread would be better. XD
So you're saying she died because she didn't have a tree connection or the GP Enhancements? It still doesn't make sense to me.
And how many generations is there and what series arc has the connection between Yosho and Nobiyuki?