- it's the same story with some rough edges carefully polished, and divided to five chapters.
Bounding forward, Ranko started yelling at the youma, trying to draw its attention, and lure it to a nearby mall. The Senshi were stunned for a moment. This crazy girl was going to get killed! This looked like one of Jadeite's older youma. It would be a challenge for any one of them as a Sailor, and this girl had just run to attack it! Usagi took charge for once, grabbing her henshin stick and running to an alley. "We can't let it kill Ranko! Lets change!"
Bounding forward, Ranko started yelling at the youma, trying to draw its attention, and lure it to a nearby mall. The Senshi were stunned for a moment. This crazy girl was going to get herself killed! This thing looked like one of the youma Jadeite used to send at them during Queen Beryl's attempt at world conquest. It would be a challenge for any one of them as a Senshi, and this girl had just run to attack it! Usagi took charge for a change, grabbing her transformation brooch and running to an alley. "We can't let it kill Ranko! Let's transform!"
"Could she be Sailor Earth?"
"No, from what you've described, the symbol is wrong. Besides, Earth never had a Sailor associated with it, just Sailor Moon."
"Could she be Sailor Earth?"
"No, from what you've described, the symbol is wrong. Besides, Earth already has a guardian, it's Tuxedo Kamen."
..and so on.