Senshi of Zeta Aquilae Spammer Rank C --- from Himitsu, 10-25-07. "Holy @!#%!, she made Zelas cry." SpamLady Supreme --- from Colonel Caprice, 8-16-2017 Song of the week. Updated Sundays/Mondays.
Someone has way Way WAY too much time on their hands. Check this out. LEGO K.I.T.T. Watch it all the way its astounding how many features they worked into this build.
In the way, no. But it does knock it down a step from Nirvana. This is just mass quantities of appetite satisfaction for him. Delicious, filling, but not orgasmic.
I can't say they're my favorite. But they are among the most skillful and chilling examples of Mind Rape and the resulting post-traumatic stress that I've ever read. Considering the Senshi go through similar trials and mind-warping, it's probably instructive.
And, some more worm-ridden gameplay. Some of you might've seen this in my signature already.
Senshi of Zeta Aquilae Spammer Rank C --- from Himitsu, 10-25-07. "Holy @!#%!, she made Zelas cry." SpamLady Supreme --- from Colonel Caprice, 8-16-2017 Song of the week. Updated Sundays/Mondays.
Senshi of Zeta Aquilae Spammer Rank C --- from Himitsu, 10-25-07. "Holy @!#%!, she made Zelas cry." SpamLady Supreme --- from Colonel Caprice, 8-16-2017 Song of the week. Updated Sundays/Mondays.