Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

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Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby Kadunta » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:34 pm

I just watched Kick-Ass and began to hope to find fics in which Ranma becomes a masked pseudo-superhero vigilante/do-gooder or so? Preferably this is not happening just as a background (think London That Crazy Swinging City (I think that was the title)) nor a Marvel/DC/such crossover. Essentially, Ranma as a teenager or younger doing public service anonymous with (more or less) his canon capabilities without going super.

Preferably no more magic or great new powers for Ranma, so no fukufics (and I am aware of "Just a Plan" and "The Best of Times"). The story would probably have to take place before Saotomes' arrival at the Tendos or not much later to keep the power levels reasonable.

Trugeta's "Betrayal's Reward" would be a match if it weren't set in an existing superhero universe and Ranma gaining more new powers than I'd like. There was one fic in which Ranma had become a cop in the US and returned to Japan with certain canon character more or less being the main villain in the story (Officer or Sergeant Saotome or something like that); I recall that fic not being my cup of tea.

The only thing I recall "Silver Nemesis" having against it is the comic book universe thrown into the mix.

To further limit the search request, if those criteria are too wide (as I can imagine)... Ranma would preferably be working alone or at most with a sidekick.

There was an old(?) comedy fic, possibly on FF.net, where girl-Ranma was dressed up in rather revealing outfit, I think, and more or less ended up being a hero of sorts. I think gems were somehow involved, either as Ranma's alias or in the fic title. Ranma was not deliberately going for this. Even if this fic wasn't a complete match to my criteria, I'd appreciate a link to it.

If I knew how to write good fight scenes, I'd be tempted to give the concept a shot myself, but instead, I think I'll settle for a pseudo-time-travel fic concept.
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Re: Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby Wyrd » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:35 pm

I believe you are looking for http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1444147/1/Sexual_Endeavours This is quite a funny story, and I would have enjoyed if it continued a bit further.
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Re: Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby Té Rowan » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:27 pm

Ranma was Sailor Sapphire in "Just A Plan" -- but you probably know that already.

Kenko's "Paragon" stars Ranma as a heroine of same name.
Zorch's "Maho Shoujo Ranma" -- Erm...

dswynne has plenty of Ranma super. May be too turbo-super for you. Weeks' worth of reading here, though.
Hung Nguyen... My personal fave here is Rune Soldier Ranma: Ranma replaces Louie in taming the shrews.
Lord Raa's Jusenkyo Man fics are a bit of super spam.
migele's Sailor Santa series is best read over Christmas.

Hmm... Been a long while since I read Sarge's "Officer Saotome" -- written by a cop, I think.


Addventure thread "Ekusu-Hito" -- An X-man.
Addventure thread "NGE" -- As if Ranma would ever utter "Foamy Yebisu Power, Drink Up!".
Anime-Ronin's "Called in Japan" -- T'ain't Ranma the Vampire Slayer.
Black Dragon6's "Guardian" is a sentai story.

OK, there's a gigantic lump to chew on...
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Re: Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby TerraEpon » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:51 pm

She's not fake in Paragon. She's just a magical girl who isn't a Senshi (though she DOES disguise herself as a different normal girl around Usagi).
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Re: Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby Té Rowan » Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:07 pm

Details, details.
/me handwaves.
Doesn't stop the fic being loads of fun.
A government is the only known vessel that leaks from the top. (James Reston)
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Re: Ranma as a masked fake-superhero vigilante?

Postby Zwzn » Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:41 pm

Kadunta wrote:I just watched Kick-Ass and began to hope to find fics in which Ranma becomes a masked pseudo-superhero vigilante/do-gooder or so? Preferably this is not happening just as a background (think London That Crazy Swinging City (I think that was the title)) nor a Marvel/DC/such crossover. Essentially, Ranma as a teenager or younger doing public service anonymous with (more or less) his canon capabilities without going super.
Isn't this what Ranma does with most of his time in Ranma1/2?
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