Doctor who

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Doctor who

Postby toushin » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:07 pm

Maybe it’s just me but I like the tenth doctor a lot more then the current. I only got into the show because of Ranma, which is funny because though they were different authors every single fanfic I read used the same doctor. I don’t know which one but he had a scarf and he was with his daughter. They also always mention him in context with ryoga not ranma . these weren’t crossovers just cameos so I wasn’t even aware that it was an actual show I just thought he was a fanon character. Then one day while flipping channels I came across it on bbc. I don’t know what number was using but he seems to be completely different from the tenth.

Maybe that’s it I really got into the story and the new (eleventh) doctor just doesn’t do it for me. While I still watch the show it doesn’t hold that much interest as it use to. Possibly because they hinted that this would be the last one.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 244

Re: Doctor who

Postby Lioconvoy » Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:38 pm

There actually alreay was a Doctor Who topic.

Eleven isn't all that grand and his stories are just don't seem all that apropriate for the Doctor. I liked the return of the Daleks, and the two Episodes with Craig weren't so bad, but the two overarching stories seemed... wrong. Really wrong.

As for the Doctor in fanfics that doesn't sound like any of the propper Doctors. Four wore a long rainbow scarf, and One traveled with his granddaughter, not his daughter

I wonder if it was the American Doctor, I can't say I know anything about that one.
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Re: Doctor who

Postby ckosacranoid » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:56 pm

and then you start talking about which doctor and then have to ask which series? there are two to ask about. the new series which started in 2000 something. there was the most people hated the 1995 movie that fox did....and then there is the seires that ended on the bbc in 1989....
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Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 387

Re: Doctor who

Postby Lioconvoy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:54 am

The new stuff is a continuation of the old. Althought I think Nine and Ten did a better job of it than Eleven. Again Eleven has some good episodes, but overall....

Eight counts wether people like him or not simply becuase he's included in the Journal of Impossible things, and the Next Doctor.
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Expect me when you see me -Doctor Who (The first Doctor)
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Re: Doctor who

Postby ckosacranoid » Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:59 pm

i never could figure out when the news tuff showed up how they related to the old stuff since they never did a regen setup to intro the new docs at all from the old ones...useing the movie doc or the one from 89 that was the last one...sigh...
my blog for busniess and other things i do.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 387

Re: Doctor who

Postby Dumbledork » Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:02 pm

I still haven't seen a single Doctor Who episode. I don't think they've ever aired the show around here. Neither the old version (60s-80s) nor the new version.
And that's the bottom line 'cause Dumbledork said so.

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