Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby AshK1980 » Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:36 pm

Neither do I. It looks interesting enough.
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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby KonokoHasano » Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:56 am

The newest Japanese ending theme is rather nice. Also... some evolution/capture spoilers there.
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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby AshK1980 » Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:31 pm

Cool! Cilan's Dwebble Evolves into Crustle, and Ash gets the Sunglasses wearing Krokorok and Swadloon becomes Leavanny and Tepig Evolves into Pignite! Awesome!

Anyone have any idea why they aren't airing a new Episode of Pokemon Black and White on Saturday?
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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby Makoto » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:48 pm

Just in case anyone doesn't yet know about it... for those with Black or White, and access to a Gamestop, you have a chance to download Keldeo. The promotion began on the 27th, and will continue until the day before Black 2/White 2 are released in the US (October 6).

There's been reports that some Gamestops may try to get you to preorder B2/W2 before you can get Keldeo (which they really shouldn't be doing), but I don't know whether or not that's true; I didn't have any problems with my local Gamestop (I went on the 27th ^_^; ).

Also, supposedly, the best natures for Keldeo are Timid (first), and Modest (second), if you're interested in using it to battle.

From Serebii:

Pokémon Black & White - Keldeo Event

For those of you in America,the Keldeo event is now running in Gamestop stores across the country, or EB Games if you're in Canada. This event gives a Level 15 Keldeo with a PP Max to Pokémon Black & White games. In Black & White, you can teach it Secret Sword if you take Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion with it to the Moors of Icirrus, but if you wait until Black 2 & White 2 are out and trade it over, you can activate its Resolute Form by teaching this move. The event lasts until October 6th so be sure to get it while you can
As a reminder, this event runs in Europe from September 1st to October 11th, in various stores such as GAME in the UK and various other stores depending on the country. Be sure to check your local store to see if they're participating. In Australia, it runs from September 15th to October 10th in EBGames stores.
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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby Lioconvoy » Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:12 am

Got mine today. Got a poster too. Didn't have to preorder anything. Still how are they going to enforce that. The signal normally goes outside the store, and you just have to be outside to get the mystery gift.
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Re: Nomekop PART 3 (Read that title backwards)

Postby Makoto » Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:22 am

One account claimed they don't turn on the machine (these are actually just a DS with a special distribution cartridge) unless/until they verify you've preordered, let you download, and then turn it off, again.

I still don't know if any of that's true, though.
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