by Stacy » Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:49 am
Well, it's not like you'd need a JavaScript for rounded corners at this point, considering even Internet Explorer supports the CSS property border-radius now.
The problems you've had before with submitting pages and the like were because the previous server was slow and not administered well. I don't think the VPS was updated since we received it. I've also upgraded to a new version of phpBB (and the wiki was upgraded as well), so everything should be better.
On a slightly unrelated note, so far the forum has used 1.26 gigabytes of bandwidth since it was moved to my WebFaction account. Considering I have 600 gigabytes a month, there's no way it's going to come close to the bandwidth cap, so this is good. ^^
Ask me about my curses, clothing, contracts, wishes, viruses, potions, wards, prophecies, mutant abilities, school uniforms, books, hexes, jewelry, wards, DNA resequencers, computer programs, enchantments, weapons, water springs, musical instruments, blessings, alchemic techniques, porphyric feline hemophilia, spacial anomalies, kitsune magic, demonic adoption rituals, and data manipulation techniques for turning people into girls!