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Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:19 pm
by toushin
This idea is a combination of two separate ideas that eventually just sort of came together. The first was Obfuscating Stupidity I kind of like this trope and would like to see Ranma use it but the problem is that characters usually are like this as a result of guilt and trauma Vash, Kenshin, Urahara, Kyoshiro, Kurama. My other idea was Ranma becoming a doctor/healer though this was more due to the fact that I liked Trafalgar Law’s abilities which requires medical knowledge to properly use. It actually wasn’t that hard to duplicate once I started looking up the mechanics of the Ope Ope no Mi as its just a combination of dimensional manipulation and spatial teleportation.

The problem was that for along time all I had was these basic premises. The OS is not hard to believe, Ranma is pretty quick on the uptake when it comes to something he cares about and he in the manga at least Ranma does like to downplay his skill. Then I started thinking that a lot of those OS characters were doctors so the same thing that causes Ranma to go full OS is what causes his to want to become a healer as atonement. The Doctor thing is pretty easy to work, it is really easy to figure out a way to have him train, and even live with, Tofu-sensei for one option, even just the simple option of him needing a part time job and he offers, or maybe he got kicked out again, and Tofu lets him stay, and he helps out around the office to pay him back for letting him stay. Though he doesn’t really need Tofu for anything but the really advanced stuff as outside of training reading seems to be one of the things Ranma does the most.

I finally came up with having Ranma kill an innocent for the transition. Ranma is not a killer, that is not to say Ranma won't kill, he would but only as a last resort or if killing would save peoples lives. Putting him in a situation where he is forced to kill most likely against his will would get the ball rolling. I was finally able to connect all of the dots by crossing over Ranma with Psyren. Ranma could either be looking for another part time job or the dojo receives another call for help either way he receives the red card fills out the questionnaire and is transported to the other word. Like I said I originally thought up this idea because I liked Trafalgar Law’s ability. There is a PSI ability called Cure that essentially projects the psychics ability to heightens their body's natural healing properties onto another person. Apparently, it is a rare form of PSI that few people grasp the concept of. This seems to be a great match to have Ranma be a doctor.

There is also an Advanced PSI type called Zone. As opposed to Nova, which the user becomes an "existence" instead of staying as a "person" by taking control of the entire biosphere, in this type, the user takes control of any one field of the biosphere, either the atmosphere, lithosphere or the hydrosphere. Ranma would have to upgrade his medical knowledge to fully utilize cure and upgrade to his Psi ability could be the finished product of his studying and training. Ranma could get that ability instead of Melchsee's Door. The ability is useful to someone who is already a trained doctor, so Ranma would start out with the basic knowledge he learned from working with Tofu but to use his new ability to the fullest he would have to expand his knowledge of medicine and anatomy.

As for what would get Ranma to kill someone. There is a character from Gold Digger named Zero Kazama the villain Gothwrain put 12 Geis’ that constantly push in to destroy his essence, but the more he served Gothwrain the weaker they become. When he completes a labor a geis vanishes and after twelve he’s free. The commands are so strong that when one labor trapped him in some kind of And I Must Scream type situation for centuries to the point where he completely lost his sense of self he still completed it. this could be used to explain why Ranma would change so much. When Zero found out what happened to him he just gave in and tried to complete the labors as quickly as possible (sadly it took millennia and he was killed before he could complete his final one, but I can see Ranma fighting something like this tooth and nail unfortunately there will eventually be a point where he cant fight anymore and will succumb to the command. Luckily in Psyren the nature of the game means that he could save who he killed but he would still remember having done it.

Re: Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:40 am
by Pata Hikari
Uh... the first part of the "Obfuscating Stupidity" trope is that the character has to act stupid, but not really be.

And Ranma, while he'll sometimes do some dumb things for emotional reasons, does not act particularly stupid. So, you know, there's that.

And so... then you're going to cross Ranma over into another series and give him superpowers. Also an excessively dark crossover, great. Never seen one of those before. Then throw in more crossovers because why not?

Re: Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:05 am
by toushin
I want to correct a mistake I made. One of the examples I used was Kurama which was a bad example because he wasn’t really Obfuscating Stupidity but more an Atoner. Kurama became a genuinely good-hearted, if still vengeful, person for his beloved human mother. Until the end of the series, Kurama struggles with his identity and self-worth. Initially, Kurama seems all too eager to leave the shameful carnage of his life as Yoko behind, but at the same time he is bothered by the newfound weakness of his human form. These mixed feelings about who he really is very obviously torture him. However he might be a good example for how Ranma should act during the transition phase. Compare how Kurama fights to how Ranma fought Saffron.

Generally during his fights in the series Kurama wins in the first minute or so, even if his foes don't know it yet, and it's repeatedly shown that the longer you take to beat him the only thing you're actually accomplishing is giving him more time to come up with a cruel and unusual death for you, regardless of how screwed he might look. While under normal circumstances, Ranma tends to avoid using anywhere near lethal or maiming force even when his opponents are trying to use instant kill techniques on him. But in his fight with Saffron after Akane's life got put on a timer and Saffron stood between Ranma and the cure, Ranma opened up the fight by slicing off Saffron's wings in the middle and dropping him off the side of a mountain, followed up with stabbing him in the arm and trying to freeze the guy to death, and ends the fight with the aforementioned freezing and shattering.

A better way to explain what I’m getting at is Kenshin’s Battosai mode. Kenshin's guilt for his time as an assassin caused him to take his own life for granted, and was willing to die if it meant protecting the innocent and receiving penance for his sins. This sense of despair was what caused Kenshin's vow not to kill to waver, seeing himself as a lost cause and prepared to further damn himself for the sake of others. If Ranma is forced/manipulated to kill a friend of his, friends or an innocent the result would be relatively the same. Guilt and grief would cause him to fight with a sort of controlled anger similar to how he was when he fought Saffron. I’m not saying he would say f**k it and start killing indeterminately killing his opponents but he would have that deadly focus of defeating the opponent as soon as possible. So to characters unaware of what happened it would seem that Ranma had become a more skilled and efficient fighter but they wouldn’t know that it’s because he is slowly losing control. And in the end he would become a completely different person.

Kenshin is a perfect example of Obfuscating Stupidity, but while Ranma does show signs of this upon occasion, he would need to have his ego broken down a good bit before he would be a good example. I gave a few similar examples as well last time, he needs some serious humbling, and not in a challenging way. That is the problem in most examples with Ranma, most of the time, something that would humble a normal person, only encourages him to try harder. Also, you have the added bonus of if it happens because he hurt/killed someone, becoming a doctor can be to make up for that fact, like Kenshin tried to be a peace maker. Maybe he thinks if only a doctor could have gotten there in time, that person might not have died...

So basically it’s a story that revolves around three different Ranma’s. At the beginning you have the one we all know and love, then after the catalyst you get a sadder more brutal version (think Ban Mido) and in the end you get the version I want.
That could work, the savage part as one of the stages of acceptance. (not everyone goes through every stage the same, but whatever)


The sad thing that’s what I have so far I realize its less Ranma being OS and more the journey to how he becomes it but it still works as a story. The OS part could work as an epilogue and sequel but I have to think of one first though I would like to use Shizuka Marikawa as a catalyst for Ranma’s final personality.

Re: Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:52 am
by Spica75
Ok, i think one thing needs to mentioned here:

Vash, Kenshin, Urahara, Kyoshiro, Kurama

I have absolute no idea who the last two are, and i can only be certain about who you mean with Vash because its such a fake name that it isn't used elsewhere. There's several Kenshin around including the historical famous leader Uesugi Kenshin.

When you start talking about crossovers, you need to declare which ones you are talking about, where you are taking concepts or characters from.

Ranma is pretty quick on the uptake when it comes to something he cares about and he in the manga at least Ranma does like to downplay his skill

Yes, but he's also completely clueless in some ways, and to make that part of "obfuscating stupidity", you will need to do a "Mary Sue" on him to some extent(removing negative sides of him), which is always risky. Also to be remembered is that nope, he is not a genius except for possibly martial arts and as Pata Hikari said, he does not act stupid. In fact his normal state is to be cheeky, somewhat arrogant and ridiculously self confident, basically the opposite.

You will need something VERY good to justify changing him to an example of "obfuscating stupidity".

The OS part could work as an epilogue and sequel

That might work better.

Re: Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:01 pm
by toushin
The examples I used were Vash from trigun himura kenshin from rurouni kenshin, Urahara from bleach, Kyoshiro from Samurai Deeper Kyo and I’ve already explained Kurama

I know I’m very detail oriented so I’ll streamline what my idea was. It’s a Ranma/Psyren crossover (and only a ranma/psyren crossover) Ranma gets the card only instead of Melchsee's Door he gets Cure which will get him interested in learning more of the healing arts. After awhile either through being turned into a Tavoo or mind control. Ranma will fight it tooth and nail but like I explained with the geis’ from Gold digger this only makes the control stronger until eventually he just wouldn’t be able to fight it anymore and does something irredeemable. From there you’ll have a more depressed and angry Ranma only instead of the explosive anger of say Ryoga his would be more internalized.

Finally when I mentioned Obfuscating Stupidity I don’t intend on making Ranma some super genius but by the end of the story he would be an extremely skilled martial artist, powerful psychic, and since I’m using Ope Ope no Mi as the basis for what his Zone would do which requires some extent of medical knowledge in order to be utilized effectively well versed in medicine. But instead of the incredibly blunt person with a great sense of pride the experience of the story changes him and that’s the type of OS I mean the Atoner and not just one doing it for kicks. I already used Kenshin, but Mibu Kyoshiro is actually closer to what I want he literally is the strongest character in the series and even though Kyo eventually surpasses him he technically never defeated Kyoshiro. Despite this Kyoshiro instead of succeeding his clan leader he chooses to live his life as a humble medicine peddler, healing people in atonement for the crimes he committed. His goofy, occasionally-perverted persona is largely to make him seem harmless.

I actually want to use Shizuka Marikawa from high school of the dead as the basis for Ranma’s OS personality as a school nurse is a lot more low key then a doctor. Similar to how Urahara plays the role of an eccentric shop owner to cover for his real self, a ridiculously skilled scientist and inventor, a former Shinigami Captain and an ex-warden of one of Soul Society's highest security prisons which required him to be able to subdue all prisoners with his bare hands alone. The grown Ranma would be act rather ditzy at times and be prone to panicking. However like I said the nature of the story means you won’t see this version until the epilogue.

This leads me to match ups since I want to use Shizuka Marikawa as the basis for Ranma’s OS personality I figured that someone based on Rika Minami could work and there is a psi based off bullets. This is where the changes I made to the story come in. What do you think of an amalgam of her, Tatsuo Mana from Psyren and Mikuru Nazume from Zero-In. All three are gun themed, Mikuru’s mother Tsuyuka Nazume is basically Rally Vincent only just a world-renowned gunsmith not a bounty hunter. Rika owns several firearms, some of which, while assembled, are highly illegal in Japan. She has specially customize each weapon. And Tatsuo’s Psi ability revolves around creating bullets and guns out of energy.

Tatsuo was always ill due to a hereditary disease until he went to Psyren was captured and turned into a Tavoo. He managed to survive the process but lost his mind, memories and will completely. Given the characterization of Ranma in the story this composite character seems to be a good match as they both experience being manipulated against their will as well as handle them differently Riki becomes more extrovert while Ranma becomes more introvert. I also need a name for this girl.

Plus since I’m using a gender bent version of Tatsuo Hiryu has to be changed as well causing me to come to a conundrum Ryoga besides the blatantly obvious what animal do you think is best associated with him or would it be best to just give him generic barrier powers.

Re: Warrior of the Mind

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 4:27 am
by Pata Hikari
Though, uh, question.

Why even go to all this effort to completely break down Ranma's character and personality and basically make him a new character?

Why not make a crossover where Ranma acts like, you know, Ranma.