Demons New and Old (The Return)

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Demons New and Old (The Return)

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:46 pm

With some art posted, I've got now a full set of two characters for my series the Return.

Specifically Empress BlackSky (Ranma/DarkStar's grandmother) and her consort Saphira (a new character who hasn't yet shown up in the story).

We'll start with BlackSky by SaturnXArt


And then we'll go with Saphira also by by SaturnXArt


And here's a slightly different angle on Saphria with BlackSky for scale to show the relative height between the Empress and her Concubine.
Saphira and BlackSky also by SaturnXart

Sunshine Temple
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Re: Demons New and Old (The Return)

Postby Sunshine Temple » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:49 pm

And here's two more pieces by two other artists.

Saphira by Akira Raikou


And this is another BlackSky and Saphira by LexiKimble


I'd like to thank all three artists for their great work in bringing out these two characters.
Sunshine Temple
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