Japanese name generator - supports vey good filtering

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Japanese name generator - supports vey good filtering

Postby Cheb » Sat May 22, 2021 3:09 am


Generates names and surnames out of a million variants, has setting for controlling rarity, can filter by contains/begins/ends with a specific kanji or readings in Latin (and no, there are NO valid names containing characters for "resurrection" or "fuck")
Need a common first name that begins with "hi" with a super super rare surname containing "白" ? Easily.
Hideki Shirasaya 白鞘 英樹
Hiroshi Shiraki 白城 浩
Hideki Motoshiromizu 本白水 英樹

What it cannot do is generate names that fit as both male and female: the sex switch is a radio button. I had to research this elsewhere.

Ab-so-lutely invaluable tool since I turned upon my "Your Destiny is Annulled" rewriting it into original work and thus had to create custom stand-in characters for Ranma, Akane and the entire Senshi cast :shock:
I woulda died or made a fool of myself (probably both) if I tried inventing that many names by hand.
Need a surname for Agni that include character for "fire"? Easy-peasy, Hisako Hinokawa /火ノ川 緋紗子/Scarletsilkgauzechild Riveroffire
A surname for Ishtar that includes "love"...? Not as easy as only the "koi" character is valid but still it's there: Mai Koimizu / 恋水 舞 / Dance Tearsoflove

Feel the POWAH! :twisted:
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Re: Japanese name generator - supports vey good filtering

Postby Spica75 » Sat May 22, 2021 8:03 am

(and no, there are NO valid names containing characters for "resurrection" or "fuck")


Feel the POWAH!

I most certainly do.

AWESOME good find!
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