world building

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world building

Postby toushin » Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:18 pm

I’m still trying to set up a martial arts college in the Ranma universe. Converting super powers to martial arts techniques is pretty fun but I’ve hit a little snag since I didn’t want to go to into the paranormal. There are two psychic characters in the source material I’m using. The first I changed to an advanced ki manipulation technique. The second is one of the teachers.

I want her to be her to be Satori’s grandmother. Since I already created eight clans similar to the Hakkesshu from king of Fighters I thought about giving her a technique similar to Shokuhou Misaki from a certain magical index. Is that a good idea or should I just go for broke and make her a psychic.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 244

Re: world building

Postby Spica75 » Wed Nov 06, 2019 4:57 pm

I want her to be her to be Satori’s grandmother. Since I already created eight clans similar to the Hakkesshu from king of Fighters I thought about giving her a technique similar to Shokuhou Misaki from a certain magical index. Is that a good idea or should I just go for broke and make her a psychic.

It really depends on how twisted you want to get in trying to fluff out any explanations for how it works.
Considering what she can do with it, i always did consider Shokuhou's power fluff to be really weak, simply because getting such perfectly finetuned effects from such an inexact way of controlling something(brains) which are sooo very individual...
Also, take caution that Shokuhou's ability if used as is, is hideously powerful, while Misaka can hack the security cams in realtime, Shokuhou can "hack" the guards watching the monitors from the cams, also in realtime.

Anyway, I can't quite remember right now, but isn't there already some psychics in the Ranmaverse?
And don't forget there definitely IS magic there, so if you can't justify something to work as ki, you can always let it be a unique expression of inherent magic, whether limited to the person in question(ie. can't be replicated in any way) or not(ie anyone with inherent magic could in theory learn it) or something in between.

I'd say however, make it simple, just go with psychic, makes it easier if you want to add someone else with the same issue later and also gives you a larger source of fluff to explain anything if it's needed. Just be restrictive about it so it's not something anyone can learn and it should work reasonably well.
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