Downtime and Data Loss

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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby Spica75 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:45 pm

Sad to see so much interesting posts lost, but I can say this at least, so far i´m getting FAR faster response from the forum than before so the new host feels better...

Less nice to see that apparently ALL my posts are *poof* completely gone, even where a thread says i´m the last to post... :?
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby ijp92 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:47 pm

well it will be interesting to see how the board index fills back up at least. I wonder what grow back the fastest.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby AshK1980 » Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:16 am

Well at least I can get in now. My other password wasn't working so I had to reset it.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:30 am

Hmmm... while my account had to be reset, and I lost my updates thread. Overall despite everything I'm pleased.

So far under IE9 (my main browser)... I've not had the constant issue of the submit button failing to work or it having to be hit multiple times to go through... or any of the other problems I've reported in the past, and the forum is more responsive overall. I'll have to check it under Opera sometime... which is my backup browser, as while slower than IE for me, is far and away more reliable than some other browsers I've tried.

Biggest detraction was the loss of all the search threads...

Most of the direct links I had to a handful of stories not believed to exist elsewhere and a couple idea threads still work though. I've not checked them all, but about 10 of the 15 had those 10 working.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby lwf58 » Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:43 am

For whatever reason, many problems we had in the past seem to have been corrected by the move. For example, the cookie that logs you in automatically is working again.

Of course, without the portal page, the JavaScript Stacy was using to display rounded corners is not present, and that was slowing down the last incarnation of the forum as well as causing one or two other issues. If you read this, Stacy, please don't put that script back in when you reconstruct the portal page! I'll gladly deal with square corners on the display boxes in return for a responsive forum! :D
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby Stacy » Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:49 am

Well, it's not like you'd need a JavaScript for rounded corners at this point, considering even Internet Explorer supports the CSS property border-radius now.

The problems you've had before with submitting pages and the like were because the previous server was slow and not administered well. I don't think the VPS was updated since we received it. I've also upgraded to a new version of phpBB (and the wiki was upgraded as well), so everything should be better.

On a slightly unrelated note, so far the forum has used 1.26 gigabytes of bandwidth since it was moved to my WebFaction account. Considering I have 600 gigabytes a month, there's no way it's going to come close to the bandwidth cap, so this is good. ^^
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby Spokavriel » Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:57 am

Well it has been a little slow and usually the overhead problem comes more from processing the database when threads are getting long. Not certain how much data actually would nee to be transmitted but I have seen clear differences just from the data that has to be managed as things are built up a bit.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby Cheb » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:32 am


Still, it's the people who make the forum. The topics lost could be rebuilt. Just like when Babylon was destroyed, people build another one. And again and again, until Babylon 5 stayed. Or like Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, rebuilt from scratch.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby Spokavriel » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:49 am

Under bombardment from Hamas today. Really trying to forget that and the attacks on Bethlehem happening in the last half hour...
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby WG_Writer » Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:40 am

This forum has survived this before, and worse if I recall correctly, we will not go quietly into the night. we will go kicking and screaming.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby wildeman » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:30 pm has some snapshots of the website.
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Re: Downtime and Data Loss

Postby OSMQEP » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:07 am

The last of those, if I am interpreting things correctly, was June 22nd of last year. I get the impression that the last good backup was after that date.

I got my hopes up for a moment, that it was from June 22, 2012, which would have contained a C&C posting for SSM, Sailor Jupiter II, that I didn't get around to C&C ing. (I know one that I didn't get to was posted on or by June 18. I last commented on #27, he had up through #30, and his website only has up through #24, IIRC.)

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