A correction to what Stacy posted: You should contact me, rather than Sunshine, to reset your account or create a new one. That's still my department.
Send an email to lwf58 at hotmail dot com stating the username and email account to be used, and I'll (re)create the account. Note that you'll get a randomly generated password that you can change in your profile controls once you log in. That way, I don't know your password, protecting your privacy.
This has been a distressing experience all around. I had been making periodic backups, but got so tied up in my personal life that I neglected to get even one from this year. Stacy had made a script that was intended to make regular backups, but it failed and she never got a notification. While her last backup was more recent than mine, it was still rather old. The poor girl had to work her tail off to get what she managed to out of the mess left by the server breakdown.
Since I was the one in contact with the web host we had, I'll put it in my own words. When the site went down, I contacted the host, and was told that a hard drive had failed in the RAID array used to hold our VPS. They'd replaced it routinely, but while failing, it corrupted the data on the hard drive that was still good. They attempted to replace the site with a copy from their own backup, but that copy seems to have been taken after the bad drive had already hashed things up. When they were done, we were able to access the server administrative controls, but the site database tables were damaged severely.
Coupled with the history of outages we've had, Sunshine and I agreed that the server was jinxed, and it was time to move on and find another. Stacy had been recommending the one we are now on, as she has had a good history with them. After much labor on her part, here we are, and we hope that the move will improve the site uptime to what it should have been all along. While I deeply regret that the site has lost so much, it was the coming together of every single thing that could go wrong, going wrong. We had know way of knowing it would happen since RAID arrays are designed to prevent this sort of thing, and Stacy thought she was making regular backups.
That said, here's to the future, and the hope that the Curse of Fukufics will finally be lifted.