Zwzn wrote:The Saotome don't own a house. Nodoka rents the house.
Dumbledork wrote:But that doesn't explain why Genma cons people all the time. If Nodoka were rich he'd be entitles to some of the money as her husband.
I think that Takahashi simply didn't think about that since Genma's character had already been established before Nodoka appeared.
Dumbledork wrote:But that doesn't explain why Genma cons people all the time. If Nodoka were rich he'd be entitles to some of the money as her husband.
I think that Takahashi simply didn't think about that since Genma's character had already been established before Nodoka appeared.
Does Genma actually ever say that women are weak as is stated in so many fanfics?
Noy Telinú wrote:Not only do the wives control the money, (it's been reported that some guys only get 500 yen worth per day) but run the household to the extreme. She controls everything in the house. From how to raise the children to the mentioned money and anything to do with the actual home. It could be why she's so conservative with the money. Genma isn't bringing in income, so she saves as much as she can. However, due to spending a ton on clothes, could be rich but has a depression like mindset on saving things still.
The fact that she ignores Genma is also true. A non working husband is a bad husband. Staying home all day is frowned upon much worse than other places.
Plus, Genma was right, due to the way things work, Nodoka would have spoiled Ranma due to being the firstborn son. And all that love is used as discipline. If Ranma misbehaves, she takes that love away. It's how they deal with it.
Now, Nodoka somehow has found a way to get income. How is the big question. Then again, Rumiko might have just thought it was funny.
Except for the whole fact that he has to attend Council Meetings, gets asked to help out around town with supernatural events (presumably for money) and has to go 'out of town' for business at one point (ignoring the fact that it's because Akane is cooking).Zwzn wrote:It is Soun who is shown to be the lazy good for nothing.
TerraEpon wrote:IIRC, I've read in a couple places that they are in fact never shown meeting - this doesn't mean they haven't -- one has to assume they have given Furinken -- just there's no manga canon about it.
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