Ranma canon questions

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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Dumbledork » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:38 am

Nodoka is so poor that she recycles old martial arts scrolls to write letters. She did this with the Umi senken scrolls. I could be wrong, though.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby LawOhki » Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:08 am

Zwzn wrote:The Saotome don't own a house. Nodoka rents the house.

No they rented before, Nodoka now has a house. There is no indication that she's renting it.

And whether or not she recycles is no indication of wealth. In fact that could be why she has money, she uses up every little thing she has to save her funds. Nodoka repeatedly goes out shopping with Ranma to buy clothing. If she was so poor she HAD to recycle parts of a scroll for envelopes she wouldn't be able to afford shopping trips.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Dumbledork » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:10 am

But that doesn't explain why Genma cons people all the time. If Nodoka were rich he'd be entitles to some of the money as her husband.

I think that Takahashi simply didn't think about that since Genma's character had already been established before Nodoka appeared.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby LawOhki » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:38 am

Dumbledork wrote:But that doesn't explain why Genma cons people all the time. If Nodoka were rich he'd be entitles to some of the money as her husband.

I think that Takahashi simply didn't think about that since Genma's character had already been established before Nodoka appeared.

Wives manage the finances not the husband. someone posted a link not too long ago covering the differing roles compared to non Japanese homes.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:13 am

I can't remember the term but heads of clan have been able to impose things which have the same effect as prenuptial agreements all the way back to the Feudal era. Dictating if people marrying into the clan have any access to clan resources. If Genma was the one to marry into the Saotome clan, even if it was an arranged marriage, the main branch clan head could still have denied his access.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Spica75 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:19 pm

Dumbledork wrote:But that doesn't explain why Genma cons people all the time. If Nodoka were rich he'd be entitles to some of the money as her husband.

I think that Takahashi simply didn't think about that since Genma's character had already been established before Nodoka appeared.

As Spok says, Genma may be completely cut off from any money Nodoka has, but that goes regardless who married into who´s family, Nodokas parents or guardian may have stated such a prenuptial clause as a requirement.

And as also mentioned, in Japan the norm seems to commonly be that the wife controls the money and provides the husband with an allowance.

Does Genma actually ever say that women are weak as is stated in so many fanfics?

I may misrecall but doesn´t he say something like "weak little girl" to Ranma a few times as an insult?

Another thing, about the clothes, Ranma seems to have gotten them mostly from China and well, silk that is not of the highest quality can be bought MUCH cheaper there. Even best quality silk clothes can be found waay cheaper in China.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Noy Telinú » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:43 pm

Not only do the wives control the money, (it's been reported that some guys only get 500 yen worth per day) but run the household to the extreme. She controls everything in the house. From how to raise the children to the mentioned money and anything to do with the actual home. It could be why she's so conservative with the money. Genma isn't bringing in income, so she saves as much as she can. However, due to spending a ton on clothes, could be rich but has a depression like mindset on saving things still.

The fact that she ignores Genma is also true. A non working husband is a bad husband. Staying home all day is frowned upon much worse than other places.

Plus, Genma was right, due to the way things work, Nodoka would have spoiled Ranma due to being the firstborn son. And all that love is used as discipline. If Ranma misbehaves, she takes that love away. It's how they deal with it.

Now, Nodoka somehow has found a way to get income. How is the big question. Then again, Rumiko might have just thought it was funny.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Zwzn » Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:52 pm

Noy Telinú wrote:Not only do the wives control the money, (it's been reported that some guys only get 500 yen worth per day) but run the household to the extreme. She controls everything in the house. From how to raise the children to the mentioned money and anything to do with the actual home. It could be why she's so conservative with the money. Genma isn't bringing in income, so she saves as much as she can. However, due to spending a ton on clothes, could be rich but has a depression like mindset on saving things still.

The fact that she ignores Genma is also true. A non working husband is a bad husband. Staying home all day is frowned upon much worse than other places.

Plus, Genma was right, due to the way things work, Nodoka would have spoiled Ranma due to being the firstborn son. And all that love is used as discipline. If Ranma misbehaves, she takes that love away. It's how they deal with it.

Now, Nodoka somehow has found a way to get income. How is the big question. Then again, Rumiko might have just thought it was funny.

You're assuming Genma wasn't sending her money on top of everything else he did. Remember, Genma having a job is normal, and one of the first things he did when reaching the Tendo Dojo.

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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Konsaki » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:30 pm

Zwzn wrote:It is Soun who is shown to be the lazy good for nothing.
Except for the whole fact that he has to attend Council Meetings, gets asked to help out around town with supernatural events (presumably for money) and has to go 'out of town' for business at one point (ignoring the fact that it's because Akane is cooking).
The main reason we don't see exactly what Soun does for money is because it's either not important to the story or not funny enough to make a gag about often. Genma getting a job as a 'panda' working in a chiropractors office is a sight gag with added 'can't answer the phone' gag... after that we never see him working again cause the event was spent.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Noy Telinú » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:00 pm

Genma having a job is anti normal! Ranma is SHOCKED to see him working!
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby uragaaru » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:09 pm

In the manga, Tatewaki is aware that Ukyou is a girl, right?
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby Spokavriel » Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:29 pm

I don't think it ever comes up. Ryouga is the one that gets shown her bound chest in both Anime and Manga. Its almost like Kuno never comes to mind when Ukyo is in the script.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby TerraEpon » Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:52 am

IIRC, I've read in a couple places that they are in fact never shown meeting - this doesn't mean they haven't -- one has to assume they have given Furinken -- just there's no manga canon about it.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:20 am

TerraEpon wrote:IIRC, I've read in a couple places that they are in fact never shown meeting - this doesn't mean they haven't -- one has to assume they have given Furinken -- just there's no manga canon about it.

It should be noted they are in different classes and grades.

I do not know about you guys, my only interaction with other grades in high school was entering/leaving building, between classes, and lunch/study hall.

The between classes part would not occur, since unlike American schools, most Japanese schools move the teachers, not the kids.

Consider, Kuno likely knows Akane from Nabiki, but main series interaction is outside of school and during lunches. He met Ranma also outside of school.

Ukyo uses that time to sell food. I doubt Kuno would bother with buying food from her.
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Re: Ranma canon questions

Postby TerraEpon » Sat Mar 02, 2013 1:56 pm

True, but she still hands around Ranma (and Akane) enough. Plus, she DOES meet Kodachi a few times.
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