Charcter ages

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Charcter ages

Postby Noy Telinú » Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:24 pm

I'm a bit confused on the differing ages in fanfics for some Ranma characters.

Like Ranma... Why think he's anything other than 16 to start the series? He's in the same class as Akane, he looks for the 16 cm mushroom and is set to marry a Tendo on arrival. Yet I've seen him at 15, which would make him unable to legally marry a Tendo.

Also, Kodachi has been considered 15 by a lot of fanfics. Why? She's in high school and it's been established that first year high schoolers are 16. And that Nabiki is 17 along with Kuno, so Kodachi being 16 isn't impossible.

It judge confuses me. Canon set this to be very likely as there is nothing on age jokes or mentions that would say that Ranma, Ryoga, Kodachi, Shampoo and Mousse are younger or older than Akane by a year or more.

And WHY would female Ranma be younger biologically?
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:04 pm

Noy Telinú wrote:I'm a bit confused on the differing ages in fanfics for some Ranma characters.

Like Ranma... Why think he's anything other than 16 to start the series? He's in the same class as Akane, he looks for the 16 cm mushroom and is set to marry a Tendo on arrival. Yet I've seen him at 15, which would make him unable to legally marry a Tendo.

Also, Kodachi has been considered 15 by a lot of fanfics. Why? She's in high school and it's been established that first year high schoolers are 16. And that Nabiki is 17 along with Kuno, so Kodachi being 16 isn't impossible.

It judge confuses me. Canon set this to be very likely as there is nothing on age jokes or mentions that would say that Ranma, Ryoga, Kodachi, Shampoo and Mousse are younger or older than Akane by a year or more.

And WHY would female Ranma be younger biologically?

I should note,I'm not going to make a case for either. but, at least in the U.S. for public school you actually can be 15 and be in 10th grade, it all depends upon exactly when your birthday is... I do not know if japan has any form of similar law or loophole in place for their 10th grade. Basically it acts as a cutoff point, which varies slightly state to state.

Here is for state of Georgia (1st state I found) (cut off date of Sept 1st):

Pre-Kindergarten 4-5
Kindergarten 5 - 6
1st Grade 6-7
2nd grade 7-8
3rd grade 8-9
4th 9-10
5th 10-11
6th 11-12
7th 12-13
8th 13-14
9th 14-15
10th 15-16
11th 16-17
12th 17-18

State of Ohio works it a little bit differently... they call pre-kindergarden pre-school, and there is sometimes a Pre 1st mixed in for kids that do not or barely pass kindergarden...

If either japan has this, or fanfiction writers assume this, then I can see them making Ranma 15... realistically, I think him more 16, but I'm fine with either in a fan fiction.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby uragaaru » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:19 pm

Ranma's birthday is July 31st. I can maybe see Ranma be 15 for the brief bit of time between arriving at Furinkan until Summer Break (that first term). Similarly with Akane, since her birthday is October 10th. They both turn 16 during their first year of school and They would graduate school at age 18, which also makes sense. That said, plus or minus a year isn't too strange. In my graduating class we had students between 16 and 19 graduating because of various life circumstances and just where their birthdays fell on the calendar.

Given the term starts in April, the cutoff date is probably somewhere in late March/early April.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Spokavriel » Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:22 pm

Soun said Akane was 16 so that can give a timing queue. But where did you get Ranma's and Akane's birthdates from? Sources help.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Noy Telinú » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:34 am

The series most likely starts in spring. Akane says Kuno started it this semester and it just seems likely to be spring due to it not looking like fall or winter and school still in session.

Two of my relatives are sisters 11 months apart, so Akane and Nabiki could be born in spring or winter easy.

And yes, the canon ages are stated up front for 3 of them. Kuno says his age, the rest have to be assumed.

Kasumi is 19 and at home meaning she most likely graduated the year before.

They never had a birthday on screen so I don't know where those dates come from.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby uragaaru » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:57 pm

I believe it's from the Memorial Book. I'll take a look at my copy when I get home.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby ijp92 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:08 pm

in some cases it could also be the author making some minor changes in order to make sense of the floating timeline.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby uragaaru » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:13 am

Follow up: Foiled by fanon again. I am terribly embarrassed.

The Memorial Book did confirm a couple of things that get futzed around in stories such as his age when certain events happen (ranging from character defining events such as the Nekoken at 10 years old as well as minor events, such as the embarrassing bed-wetting photo when he was 7, etc).
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Noy Telinú » Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:16 am

Yeah, I thought so.
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

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Re: Charcter ages

Postby TerraEpon » Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:56 pm

He is clearly younger in the anime than in the manga for the NekoKen, which is why most people write about it happening when he's 6 or 7 (sometimes even before he meets Ukyo)
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Spokavriel » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:00 pm

Many fics even have Genma use Ukyo's family Yatai to handle the food for the Neko-ken training.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:41 pm

Ranma operates on Rule of Funny. Consistency is an extra-cost option, and sometimes Takahashi-sensei didn't feel like paying for it.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Noy Telinú » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:13 pm

I use 6 for nekoken right before Ukyo due to the anime saying 10 years and giving a reason for Genma to stay in an area for a while.
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Spokavriel » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:54 pm

10 years is given as a generality many many times in series.
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Re: Charcter ages

Postby Noy Telinú » Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:21 pm

Yeah I remembered that right after I put that in.

So how old is Pantyhosetaro? They say the genetic ten years, but that's impossible.
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

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