I have read a number of fics recently and (Nothing against any of them) but I have noticed a pattern, specifically the overuse of Cats' Tongue pressure point. A strong number of them, even good fics tend to use it, sometimes with Ranma voluntarily. Correct me if I am wrong but this pressure point only has the effect of making it painful to return with hot water. So why would Ranma need the pressure point to be 'locked' if its his idea?
It has reached a sort of crital stage for me atm, and while it will pass I find unnecessary use of this plot device a general turn off from these fics since it says to me that the one writing is using a plot device that is canon incorectly and in a way that says to me is generally poor planning. I will grant that these are potential chekhov's guns. However due to the apparent number that seems to be rampent in crossover fics atm since Ranma is now the fall back series that is being crossed instead of the main it feels like new writers just do not understand Ranma 1/2.
How do other's feel about this?