What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

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What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby Noy Telinú » Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:39 am

In the manga,it's obviously the boring black, but in the anime, it can't make up it's mind!
http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/16051000/ng ... 189b45.jpg[/url] Here, Ukyo has brown eyes.

http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32600000/ukyo-kuonji-ranma-1-2-32659487-843-632.jpgHere, her eyes are more greenish.

http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/1180/354794-ukyo07_super.jpg Brown in the movie...

http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29100000/Ranma-1-2-OVA-13_-Shampoo-Ukyo-Kuonji-lolly4me2-29190841-1071-602.png VERY green in the latest ova.

http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/bQdRE4UCDck/hqdefault.jpg And they are BLUE in the Ranma Fighting Song Karuta Album!

What gives? What is her eye color!
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

"Cats do not speak that way!" Luna yelled.

"Normal sucks."-Noy Telinú
Noy Telinú
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Prism Power Senshi
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Re: What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby Spica75 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:13 am

Here, her eyes are more greenish.

I think that may even be blue...

VERY green in the latest ova.

Very indeed!

What gives? What is her eye color!

Personally i think brown or brown/greenish probably suits her best, but there doesn´t seem to be much of an official opinion on it.
Seems like you can probably use what you prefer, if canon material is that diverse.
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Re: What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby Noy Telinú » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:08 am

Yeah... very odd though...

It disturbs me that there's such a difference.
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

"Cats do not speak that way!" Luna yelled.

"Normal sucks."-Noy Telinú
Noy Telinú
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Re: What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:24 am


No different than female Ranma hair color in manga (and no, I do *not* wish to restart that discussion yet again, esp. given how the last one ended)...

It all depends upon what you go by... covers, description, or the rare colorized version of first chapter.

Love Hina manga does something similar with inconsistencies in portraying characters on its front covers.

The issue, is there are fanatical fans that insist on one o the other as definitively correct...
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Re: What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby Cheb » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:04 pm

I already elaborated on this in the Polls subforum: viewtopic.php?f=64&t=7469#p425501
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Re: What color are Ukyo's eyes ?

Postby Noy Telinú » Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:19 am

I see what you did there...
"Oh no! What haz happened? As you cats would say." Akane asked, horrified.

"Cats do not speak that way!" Luna yelled.

"Normal sucks."-Noy Telinú
Noy Telinú
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Prism Power Senshi
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