Noy Telinú wrote:If only they FINISHED the anime...
KonokoHasano wrote:So Viz has announced that they're Re-releasing the Ranma 1/2 anime, which will be coming to Neon Alley, Blu-ray, and DVD. Not to mention there's reprints of the manga and some Ranma programming scheduled for the upcoming New York Comic Con.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Which generation? The transgeneration?
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:If I say, "I rarely watch anything on TV," would that lay your question to rest? XD
Would that even reveal which generation I'm from?
As for Ranma 1/2, I'm more or less in agreement with Lawra. It's bad enough that the original anime itself was lackluster (in my opinion, anyway), much less what we got when it was distributed in English. To be fair, by now I think any new anime would have a better chance of turning out alright from both ends, but I wouldn't get my hopes up or hold my breath.
Spica75 wrote:The XYZ generation. The one that is getting so damned pampered it´s going to need LOTS of help to get anywhere?
Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:X and Y are common enough in humans, but where did you get that Z chromosome? They're almost never found in mammals.
Well, maybe in fans ...
Spica75 wrote:Never heard of Generation X, Y or Z?
Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:Perhaps I should have stuck my tongue out?![]()
The point having been that Ranma is a person/manga/anime with a fugitive Y chromosome -- sometimes XX, sometimes XY. Z chromosomes are more likely to be found in birds and reptiles.
Spica75 wrote:*doh* Double whammy of "oops" i guess. I´d totally forgotten about ZW chromosome stuff.
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