Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character...

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Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character...

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:55 am

If you're a writer of fan-fiction, sometimes you have to deal with the dissonance(s) of a series' canon, but it's usually a simple matter of choosing between mediums (anime, manga, video game, et cetera). At other times, you might notice inconsistencies within one of the mediums itself, which might not be so easy to write off (pun intended).

Lately, I've been finding it more difficult to reconcile the Ranma at the beginning of the (manga) series with the one characterized later on. I was wondering if anyone else was feeling like that. Since it's been a recurring issue when I'm writing fan-fiction, I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring it up here. I kind of wish the differences were as bad/extensive as the ones for -- say -- Belldandy, then it wouldn't be so hard to separate one set of traits with the other. ;/
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby PCHeintz72 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:36 pm

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:If you're a writer of fan-fiction, sometimes you have to deal with the dissonance(s) of a series' canon, but it's usually a simple matter of choosing between mediums (anime, manga, video game, et cetera). At other times, you might notice inconsistencies within one of the mediums itself, which might not be so easy to write off (pun intended).

Lately, I've been finding it more difficult to reconcile the Ranma at the beginning of the (manga) series with the one characterized later on. I was wondering if anyone else was feeling like that. Since it's been a recurring issue when I'm writing fan-fiction, I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring it up here. I kind of wish the differences were as bad/extensive as the ones for -- say -- Belldandy, then it wouldn't be so hard to separate one set of traits with the other. ;/

I do not really think I even had an issue like that with Ranma... the simple fact is not only is he a teenager, but look at all he went through during that series (manga or anime), the skills gained, the failures he had, and remember this was slapstick comedy originally in canon, so no relationship could move forward.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:59 pm

I was mostly referring to his personality, and changes that weren't brought on naturally as a result of events, or -- at least -- could be argued whether they could have been or not. As you said, the comedic element is a part of it, except it's probably the main reason for the changes that have no real basis in the story, due to it being forced by an outside source rather than being an inside development.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby Konsaki » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:14 pm

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:I was mostly referring to his personality, and changes that weren't brought on naturally as a result of events...
Examples? :|
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby three headed dog » Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:30 pm

I don't really have that problem (baring the gambling king arc which gave Ranma the idiot ball and I generally try to forget exists). A lot of characters in various series have much worse incongruities or even outright completely different characterization Ranma's personality isn't that much different and most of it could be explained or rationalized fairly easily.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:27 pm

Well, a lot of those incongruities are introduced as is, when they become relevant, and don't change over time or become at odds with previous behavior. Though, I would say that needing to provide an explanation or rationalization for it is a mark against them, at least as far as interpreting them in fan-fiction is concerned.

Konsaki wrote:Examples? :|

Since T.H. Dog mentioned it, Ranma's inability to hide what he's thinking/feeling when playing cards is one example. At least, it boggles my mind why it would be an issue for that one exception, seeing as he has no real problem in that regard at any other time -- before or after. It's just a small thing, though, since its effects aren't pervasive. A better example would be his ability to perceive problems, especially those of a social nature. In the beginning of the series, he's more likely to notice that there's a problem, even if he doesn't know how to handle/solve it. Later on, more comedy is derived from him remaining ignorant of a problem's existence, which usually sorts itself out (if one can call it that, sometimes) on its own rather than through any real understanding on Ranma's part.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:10 pm

The gambling king arc though had a ton of discrepancies that cannot be easily resolved. Ranma for example knowing of the Tendo arrangement that far back makes no sense.

There are other issues in the series like that, Rumiko tended to have Ranma drop abilities he learned in prior arcs. For example he did not use near all his known abilities against Saffron...

Another one was the initial fight with Mousse... Why was it such an issue that Ranma in girl form had shorter arms for that fight an not with any other fight against a bigger person... we regularly see Ranma in girl form fight his father after all.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:03 pm

I don't really see any problem with Ranma knowing that he would inherit the Tendo dojo. However, it would have been a different story if he'd also known about the engagement that went along with it, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Well, it could probably be argued that it's a matter of circumstance whether he does something or not, or is able to think of doing a certain something at the time. Then, again, he's done some of his "fancier" abilities/techniques for frivolous things...

The general impression that the series gives is that Ranma isn't at his best when he's a girl. That's not to say that that excuses the fight with Mousse, as I don't think it makes any sense either.
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Re: Reconciling past and future Ranma as the same character.

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:38 pm

The general impression that the series gives is that Ranma isn't at his best when he's a girl.

Ehhh... I never got that impression. Ranma has managed to win fights both ways. Likewise learn new techniques. Which really only makes sense as Ranma is the same person boy or girl.

I grant you some of those fights that were won as a girl were because they had to be of her in girl form. but still.

One of the most important early scenes in the series is the ice skating fight. *not* the declaration, or even the fight itself, it is when Ryoga and female Ranma are fighting at the end.

Ranma, in female form, is treading water, while holding two huge ice chunks, *and* an angry Ryoga armed with his umbrella standing on her head.

That takes strength... lots of it.
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