...Would she end up looking like a clown? I was wondering since I can't recall her ever using makeup, and she can be rather... self-assured about her efforts.
Dumbledork wrote:That's pretty much a given. She has no talent at all when it comes to things that require at least a bit of finesse or common sense. You can see it in her clothes too. She has a horrible fashion sense.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:...Would she end up looking like a clown? I was wondering since I can't recall her ever using makeup, and she can be rather... self-assured about her efforts.
LawOhki wrote:Probably not, if she did have a problem with that Ranma probably would have added that to he repertoire of insults. Or it would have been used for a Nodoka arc or two.
...Would she end up looking like a clown?
You can see it in her clothes too.
Dumbledork wrote:You can see it in her clothes too. She has a horrible fashion sense.
Pata Hikari wrote:And this thread is a prime example of how fanon and character bashing and plain old ignorance infest the Ranma fandom to the point of absolute insanity. This question should never have been asked, because the answer is obvious if you actually read Ranma 1/2 and make observations about Akane's character.
character bashing
You can't point to observable, canon character traits or events and use them as a basis for a question to get someone else's opinion?
Spiral wrote:Just to chime in, but fanon does tend to exaggerate things about Akane.
Pata Hikari wrote:Fanon, Character Bashing, and ignorance are all connected in Ranma 1/2, especially when it comes to Akane.
Pretty much the entirety of the fanon about Akane comes from fanfiction bashing her.
Fanon Akane can't ever do anything right but is deluded that she is flawless,
which is where your question came from. Assuming that Akane would, naturally, fail at anything she tried.
If you were doing this you never would have asked the question.
An "observable canon character trait" for Akane is that she's a really well dressed person, with a wide good looking wardrobe and a fashion sense. The idea that she'd be unable to put on makeup is absurd if you look at how she takes care of her personal appearance.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:This is relevant... how?
Spiral wrote:There is indeed a lot unwarranted issues taken with Akane. I'm not gonna try to say she is some paragon of perfection, but she gets much more issue than is warranted.
Most of it is usually done for shipping purposes in order to push Ranma to another girl. I'm not saying that every fanfiction needs to go with the canon girl. I'd be lying if I said my own preferences line up perfectly with canon in every series I watch. But you don't need to needlessly bash a character to do a different pair.
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