Crescent Pulsar S wrote:...Would be better at creating a moko takabisha than Ranma? As far as confidence goes, I mean. Ranma seems more temperamental than Nabiki, and also seems to have more insecurities as well.
Also, I'm amused by the idea of Nabiki challenging and defeating Ranma at least once with an advanced moko takabisha. XD
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:...Would be better at creating a moko takabisha than Ranma? As far as confidence goes, I mean. Ranma seems more temperamental than Nabiki, and also seems to have more insecurities as well.
Also, I'm amused by the idea of Nabiki challenging and defeating Ranma at least once with an advanced moko takabisha. XD
There may not need to be any prior ki manipulation needed, if we consider how new it was for Ranma at his skill level. Not even his father could give him sound advice on how to project ki. It was pretty much an exercise of trial and error trying to attain the right mood and willing it to happen. The breakthrough didn't involve any real skill, but simply having the right mood. Ultimately, though, the instructions for the shishi hokodan said that anyone could do it, and since the moko takabisha is based off of it...
Also, Nabiki may be more talented than we give her credit for.
If we assume she's a normal, average human being, physically speaking
Instead of an Ice Queen, Nabiki might secretly be a Killer Queen. O_O
Nabiki is the type that would likely keep up training the basics as a matter of self defense and a selfdiscipline and fitness regime, while i think Kasumi would make it a daily workout thing, a "morning starter" to wake up properly.
Spica75 wrote:![]()
I think the idea that "anyone could do it" is not a good premise to use at all, if it was true, it would happen a lot more often, and many of the other talented fighters in Ranma would surely have managed as well.
I understand your argument, but i don´t like it, due to how it twists how the Ranmaverse works to a point where it becomes incoherent.
So no, i never did assume she´s an "average human being", she´s just totally not interested in being a badass martial artist. And of course, in such a family, compared to Soun and Akane, she is "average and weak", but compared to an average girl her age, she probably seems closer to superhuman.![]()
PCHeintz72 wrote:We *have* seen her exercise. I'm of the general impression she *does* know enough of her family style that no non-martial artist or martial artist of non-Nerima caliber would really want to mess with her.
In other words, Nabiki is a competent martial artist. She simply doesn't reach the levels Ranma and Akane do. Which makes sense. She has enough clandestine meetings that could go wrong, but she manages to survive them. It can't always be blackmail that does it. That's a lot of fanon; but she is regularly seen in canon lifting weights while reading.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Ranma 1/2 is supposed to be coherent?
How's that for coherency?
So, even if Nabiki isn't a normal normal girl, she's still not completely outclassed by Ranma? While this doesn't prove anything about Nabiki herself, Ranma's of the opinion that she's a normal girl, no stronger than Akane, and we know how much Ranma is better than her.
Spica75 wrote:Some even put her as a totally average girl(i never really could understand how they could do THAT).
Spica75 wrote:Ok, for arguments sake, if anyone can learn it why aren´t they learning? And more importantly, there´s literally a HORDE of highend martial artists involved, yet barely any of them learn ki attacks.
There needs to be a reason. Even if it´s a poor reason(because the nargles told you so) or a halfdecent like the classical "only if your training is already good enough can you learn it little grasshopper" that actually does manage a bit of internal consistency...
Anyway, i think it´s not going to look good if you DO make it available to anyone and their aunt. Letting Nabiki learn however isn´t a problem because as already said, she probably already is a mid to highend martial artist compared to "normal" people.
Shush now! Everytime reality is brought up kills catgirls you know! Can you really hate catgirls so much that you want to kill more? You blackhearted fiend!
Yeah, and how normal is Ranma´s sense of normality? And Akane tears through her throng of "admirers" in a way that shows just how "normal" she is (not).
Face it, she´s probably among the world top 1% martial artists. And Nabiki(and Kasumi) is probably among the top 10%.
It´s just that Ranma is at the upper part of the top 1% of the top 1%.
Yes, but not to the point where it´s made clear what kind of level of proficiency or strength she actually is(if any). (compared to Ranma/Akane etc i mean)
Personally i totally agree with you, but i´m fairly sure that the general assumption puts her maybe slightly above an average girl of her age rather than an average martial artist her age.
Some even put her as a totally average girl(i never really could understand how they could do THAT).
I think it's possible for Akane to jump onto first-story roofs, at the very least. She doesn't seem to have a problem landing from three stories, for instance. Or, take the time when she ate that super soba. Yes, there's the answer right there, except she didn't have much control over how much strength she used. Yet, she had no problem jumping the way that she wanted to. I'm probably looking into that more deeply than necessary, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. And she's probably jumped high enough into the air to clear one story, too, though no specific example is coming to mind. In the end, though, I can understand why she would avoid jumping above people's heads, since she's pretty modest and doesn't much care for guys, and is often wearing something where someone could see her panties from below.
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