A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

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A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:33 am

The whole manga and anime show that Wild Horses can't keep Akane from cooking.
(or alternately being kidnapped)

If you don't get the joke, click here:
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The joke is that Ranma's name means "Wild Horse"

Notes. Sorry, It's late and I'm having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up. I have bronchitis and the coughing woke me when the cough medicine wore off. I just thought of this lame joke and thought I'd share on one of the last remaining Ranma forums I have an account for. Enjoy or not
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:25 am

Eh? Is it some kind of reference to something? Otherwise, I don't get it. I've seen my fair share of people who use "wild horse" in fan-fiction, though. Or "wild stallion."

Here's a joke concerning his engagement: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. :P
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby Spica75 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:20 am

Eh? Is it some kind of reference to something?

It´s a somewhat common saying, like "Wild horses couldn´t keep me from xwhateverx".

A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Now that you made it, i have to agree it´s surprising i haven´t seen it before either. Or ANY variation on it even, which is actually a bit weird. Maybe CPS isn´t the only one to whom the saying is unknown?
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:04 pm

I've been a Ranma fan for 18 years, although I haven't been very active in the fandom for the last eight. I honestly can't recall ever seeing any variation of the joke of using Ranma's name and the idiom "Wild Horses couldn't keep me from X", and I read a lot of Ranma fanfiction over ten ago.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:12 pm

Spica75 wrote:It´s a somewhat common saying, like "Wild horses couldn´t keep me from xwhateverx".

Somewhat common? To who? XD

I mean, idioms are a part of my fake bread and butter. I even looked up horse idioms when I was coming up with a title for my My Little Pony story, and again a few months or so ago for something else. It sounds familiar, though. Maybe I overheard it from an old western?
Crescent Pulsar S
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby TerraEpon » Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:31 pm

I've heard the expression before. It's pretty common, though not necessarily specifically 'wild horses'.
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby PCHeintz72 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:07 pm

Ehhh... I've not only heard the expression many times in my life... but I've read variations of it in Ranma fanfiction before, though admittedly not that often.

Try 'A Tale of Two Wallets' by Shiva-kun aka Jim Bader, chapter 116:

"Don't worry, Sir," Ranma declared, "Wild horses couldn't budge me."

Or try 'The Taming of the Horse Saga' by Vince Seifert, chapter 4:

Ranma half-smiled. "Hey, Akane. I was thinking." She
paused to see if Akane had a wisecrack for that, but wild horses
couldn't have dragged a jibe out of Akane at that moment.

Or try 'THEBETAFTER Ragnarok' by metroanime:

Akane continued to stare, her mouth shaping the two names of import to her. Then
shot to the top of the paper. Okayama refugee center.

Wild horses couldn't keep her away now.
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Prism Power Senshi
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:49 pm

Huh. I was wondering if The Taming of the Horse had said it. Nice coincidence.
Crescent Pulsar S
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Re: A joke I can't believe nobody's thought of before.

Postby slickrcbd » Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:50 pm

PCHeintz72, All three of your examples have it used normally. I was referring to somebody making a play on Ranma's name (Wild Horse or Chaos Horse) with the saying "Wild Horses couldn't keep me away" or "Wild Horses couldn't keep me from ____". I've never seen that done before.

Oh, and I read all three of those ten years ago or more. I'm pretty sure I read everything Metroanime had on Studio Asynjor or his mediaminer account, I know I read what was available of "A Tale of Two Wallets" on the Angracobra site before it went down, and a couple years ago I found out about it being finished on a Yahoo group and so I downloaded it.
Taming of the Horse I know I read early on, before it was on The Keep.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 277

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