HopeSeiketsu wrote:Thatis what I was thinking too. And the fact that he didn't use them against safron is explained as him just not thinking of it. After all its not like ranma would use it enough to have it be one of the first things to come to mind right, and he didn't really have time to think on it during the battle seeing as he couldnt realky "fast break" in that fight lol.
HopeSeiketsu wrote:Thatis what I was thinking too. And the fact that he didn't use them against safron is explained as him just not thinking of it. After all its not like ranma would use it enough to have it be one of the first things to come to mind right, and he didn't really have time to think on it during the battle seeing as he couldnt realky "fast break" in that fight lol.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Well, he regenerates, so not much would be. Even though he's weak to physical attacks and that's where the yamasen-ken specializes.
Spica75 wrote:It may also be unsuitable for fighting Saffron.
Which would likely be the best reason for it not to be used in that arc. Go back and actually read the fight, Ranma is simply not in a position to use a technique like the yama senken against Saffron and he already had a weapon that cut through anything and froze what it touched.
Well creating vacuumms could theoretically snuff out saffrons flames.
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