Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

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Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:32 pm

Does it conflict with any kind of law? And assuming that she didn't have the money to afford starting her business without outside aid, is it even possible that anyone (aside from the Yakuza, loan sharks and the like) would be willing to loan her money to start it?
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:50 pm

I would imagine in Ukyos case, it would make a difference in that it is a family run business.

One interesting tidbit I did learn though, when working in Japan it is actually prohibited to discriminate by age and gender. If taken to its logical end then I suppose one merely be shown to be able to do the job or run the business to be allowed to do so.

If it was violating any laws... I would think a good number of Japanese anime series have characters also in violation of various laws, at least certainly in the U.S. if not in Japan. Take for example some of the following:

Take Makoto Kino from Sailor Moon... lives on own in subtitled anime and manga, though lives with mom in dubbed anime.

Another one to live on his own, at least at the series start is the guy from Happy Lesson.

I would have considered it unlikely Haruka or Michiru, in high school themselves, could adopt a child.

Shiro from Fate/Stay Night works jobs while in high school.

Please Twins has the main protagonist as having been a high end computer programmer and he seemed to have been so for some time, despite being in high school.

Starship Operators had teens take over command of a starship and get paid by and backed by Hollywood

Kietaro Urashima, depending on continuity, is only 18 when he is shackled with running the Hinata apartments and listed as owner (conscripted and manipulated into it by his own grandmother of all things).

The main character in UFO Princess Valkyrie, he ran a bathhouse.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Spica75 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 2:23 pm

One interesting tidbit I did learn though, when working in Japan it is actually prohibited to discriminate by age and gender. If taken to its logical end then I suppose one merely be shown to be able to do the job or run the business to be allowed to do so.

Yeah, i read somewhere that this is the reason why many schools have more or less limits on students working. And apparently those rules in schools goes very far down in ages, suggesting that kids CAN work if they really want to.

If it was violating any laws...

I think the only issue is that school is mandatory, so they have to be at school when required, outside of that it seems rather open.

Take Makoto Kino from Sailor Moon... lives on own in subtitled anime and manga, though lives with mom in dubbed anime.

There are some ways that can happen for real in many countries, it´s just very very rare.
IIRC, she has an uncle(or some relatives) vouching for her and providing money and being the official legal guardian. But there are ways to get completely emancipated early.

I would have considered it unlikely Haruka or Michiru, in high school themselves, could adopt a child.

Probably Setsuna meddling, one way or another.

Please Twins has the main protagonist as having been a high end computer programmer and he seemed to have been so for some time, despite being in high school.

Has happened for real. In the 90s i recall one time there was a 14(?) year old kid that got hired for programming, was a bit troublesome as it had to be done with the approval of parents, but the guy had worked about 10% constantly up until graduating university. I don´t think there´s all that much (in theory at least) beyond parent/guardian consent stopping anyone here once they´re at least 15, from getting a job. I vaguely recall Japan having SOME kind of limit at age 12-13, but i can´t recall exactly what it was.

Overall, i think all those listed and others are more about breaking the "normal" rather than doing something that can´t be done.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:07 pm

Has happened for real. In the 90s i recall one time there was a 14(?) year old kid that got hired for programming, was a bit troublesome as it had to be done with the approval of parents, but the guy had worked about 10% constantly up until graduating university. I don´t think there´s all that much (in theory at least) beyond parent/guardian consent stopping anyone here once they´re at least 15, from getting a job. I vaguely recall Japan having SOME kind of limit at age 12-13, but i can´t recall exactly what it was.

Not programming, but I remember once a 9 year old was making some small amount of money teaching basic computer classes to adults... this was late 90's...

In the U.S. there are or at least used to be, several laws limiting what can be done at jobs when under specific ages. For example, in grocery stores, there is a baler, which if you do not know is a device to crush the empty cardboard boxes for pick up and recycling. That generally you much be 15 to operate. Most have fork lifts as well, those I remember was 17 as the minimum. I know there are laws regarding other industrial equipment.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Spica75 » Wed Feb 25, 2015 10:44 pm

several laws limiting what can be done at jobs when under specific ages

Yeah, you can find those here as well.

Most have fork lifts as well, those I remember was 17 as the minimum

Forklifts require licenses in most places i think. Otherwise you can get this: :twisted:
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:52 am

Spica75 wrote:Forklifts require licenses in most places i think. Otherwise you can get this: :twisted:

License? Maybe for the big commercial/industrial ones, I was referring more to ones in grocery and retail stores used for stock...

Of course, my knowledge on the subject is due to way back when I had a job at a grocery store... the laws could well have changed.

EDIT: And that video was funny, in a dry sort of way.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Blackcat101 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:42 pm

By the age Ranma and the others go to school in the anime/manga, school is not legally obligatory anymore due to their age. By Japanese law, 16 is old enough to have a work, be it on your own or part time. Heck if its a family business, you start helping around way earlier than that. Of course there are limits, None of the three main girls in Digi Charat save Usa (Who being 13 can do light labor) are legally old enough to be working like they do, but then Digi Charat is a comedy and parody series, and the two cat-girls are aliens, so they probably don't know that.


The Constitution provides that children shall not be exploited. The Labor Standards Law has provisions to protect child workers. The Labor Standards Law prohibits employers from employing children until the March 31 immediately following the child becoming fifteen years old. March 31 is the end of a school year. Children are obliged to go to school usually until that time. Children thirteen years old or older, however, may be employed if the labor is light and not injurious to their health and welfare, and if the employer obtains permission from the local Labor Standards Administration office. Children under thirteen years old can be employed only in motion picture production and theatrical performance enterprises, upon permission of the Labor Standards Administration office. An employer cannot employ a person under eighteen years old for extended-hour or night-time work. An employer also cannot assign a person under eighteen years old to dangerous work, e.g., maintenance or repair of machinery during its operation and mining.

A parent or a guardian cannot make a labor contract for a minor, in this case a person under twenty years old. This provision aims to prohibit a parent or guardian from forcing a minor to work for a parent or guardian’s economic benefit. The parent or guardian cannot receive the wages earned by the minor in place of the minor.


So the short answer is that yes, at sixteen Ukyo is old enough to run her own business.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Spica75 » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:04 pm

Oh goodie, i actually recalled that 13 year age limit almost correctly then. :P

I thought there were more ways to get around it below 13 though, might have been older version or something i guess.
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Re: Is Ukyo old enough to run/own a business?

Postby Té Rowan » Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:56 pm

There was a bit of kerfuffle in Denmark last year, if I remember correctly, over a twelve-year old boy who was working as a farmer. Turned out there was nothing in Danish law that covers children working for themselves.
Realitometer: [\........] Hmmph! Thought so...
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