People might disagree but Ryoga’s curse is his own fault, Ranma shares responsibility but the blame lays entirely on Ryoga’s shoulders. He was the one who issued a challenge over bread (and this was before we found out that Ranma would help Ryoga to and from school everyday), he was the one who ran off, he was the one who was four days late, he was the one who followed Ranma into an incredibly dangerous and unknown. Keep in mine he blamed Ranma long before he even knew that it was Ranma who knocked him in.
Ryoga is perfectly aware of this you’ll notice that Ryoga was only murderously angry until he found out that the red haired girl was Ranma. Blaming Ranma was his way of absolving his own guilt over his actions. Once he found out that Ranma did knock him into the spring that guilt went away and he stopped wanting Ranma dead and became the rival. A lot of Ryoga’s more darker moments start like this with him doing something stupid and impulses the yoiko hibiki incident, the love rod. This is why Ryoga seems to excel in dark fics as he is forced to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around him something both fics addressed. This knowledge makes DT (with the exception of Ranma’s characterization) a far more enjoyable read.
However Spica75 feels that it is more the other way around that Ryoga is responsible but Ranma is to blame what do you think