Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

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Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby toushin » Sun May 24, 2015 11:49 am

What medium has the worse depiction of Akane I’m more partial to the anime. While she is easier to provoke and more prone to violence manga Akane is more emotionally abusive. She’s accused Ranma of being a rapist at least twice. Uses emotion black mail more often to force ranma to do what she wants, ect
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Sun May 24, 2015 5:12 pm

It's hard to say. If I had to pick one, I'd say it's the anime, since it technically ran longer and started with already-established characters, who were already more solid and/or exaggerated where they originally came from. Also, I think the medium itself affected how the characters were portrayed, since a television audience is going to have different expectations than the ones from the manga. The slapstick, in particular, has more options in animation, due to the motion and audio it can take advantage of, so it wouldn't be surprising if that turned up more often... and that increased amount of slapstick made any characters look worse than their manga counterparts.

If I remember correctly, the anime wasn't all that popular despite the success of the manga, which even led to changing things, even to the point of introducing Shampoo early. Up until that point the anime had been following the manga fairly well, but some things just aren't as appealing in one medium as they are in another.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby three headed dog » Sun May 31, 2015 9:47 pm

Personal opinion is that the anime version of Akane is worse in general than the manga version.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby SpaceKnight of Chaos » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:58 am

I think it kind of depends on how you define "worse". Though hardly an expert on the manga, my general knowledge/understanding is that Anime!Akane has a slightly increased tendency to get angry, the impact of which is enhanced because we can hear her shouting and see her throwing blows, but at the same time she also doesn't stoop to the same lows as Manga!Akane.

To put this in perspective: in the manga version of the Hypnotic Mushroom storyline, Akane at one point attacks Ranma with bow & arrows for hugging her, and at the end of the story is shown wearing armor and carrying assorted weapons, defensively pointing out that she and Ranma "are still alone", implying she's still afraid he's going to try and rape her. In the anime version, Akane never uses weapons, throws only a handful of assorted things around, and the ending revolves around Akane & Ranma sitting together and looking in suspicion at the steamed goodies the rest of the family brought home for dinner.

Personally, I think manga Akane tends to be the nastier one, in that she goes to far worse extremes than the anime one. Anime!Akane's greatest sin is that she tends to get angry a little more often, and given the wacky world she lives in, I don't really hold that against her too much.
Water, water, everywhere, and all was cursed and black!
Drowned ones cast bad spell and out come pig, girl, duck, panda!
Swirl, swirl, slithery pond, and join with magic spring!
Swirl, swirl, dirty pond, and rid the cursed sting!
Here my prayer, I beg you please!
Now turn these curses BACK!

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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:03 am

Sigh... having seen both, and seen this one must wonder what some are smoking.

An example would be the scene early on where he is listening in on Akane and Nabiki talking about him:

- In the dubbing, she does state: "Think about it, I am engaged to my worst nightmare".

- In the subtitles, it is: "I can't stand the thought of being associated with that pervert. I mean, honestly."

- In the Manga, it is: "But everyone's spreading rumors about me. They're saying I'm his fiancee! Do you think I want everyone thinking *I'M* a pervert TOO!"

Really, none of the variations above are too kind toward him. Though the Manga is *slightly* nicer in my own opinion. If anything, after reading the Manga, I cannot understand how she generally considered so much better in Manga than Anime. Though I can see her as much better than fan fiction makes her out to be.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Spica75 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:24 pm

Really, none of the variations above are too kind toward him.

Well, is there any reason what so ever it should be?
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:35 pm

Spica75 wrote:Well, is there any reason what so ever it should be?

My point is not that it should be kind... it is that it should not be mean.

Akane is not nice to him in any continuity... whether that is correct behavior or not I'll leave to the side, there have been countless arguments for and against it, but I'm saying she is bad in all of them...

She consistently treats even Ranma's rivals and enemies, heck even her kidnappers, better than Ranma... The only one she treats worse is Kuno, and well, I do not think there is a person on the face of the planet whom would argue Akane should treat him nice that is not nuts themselves.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:27 pm

Should? No. But, I think she still treats Kuno better than Ranma. He's pretty routine and predictable, and his role in her life is hardly as significant as Ranma's, so his actions aren't as likely to get as bad of a reaction out of her. Heck, she can tolerate Kuno enough to take his side against Ranma, regardless of his past (and, sometimes, even current) transgressions.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Spica75 » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:11 pm

Should? No. But, I think she still treats Kuno better than Ranma. He's pretty routine and predictable, and his role in her life is hardly as significant as Ranma's, so his actions aren't as likely to get as bad of a reaction out of her.

She´s used to him, his "annoyingness" is routine to the point where she pretty much just half ignores it(and because he´s an idiot that can´t really be taken completely seriously).

Heck, she can tolerate Kuno enough to take his side against Ranma, regardless of his past (and, sometimes, even current) transgressions.

Well, Kuno is an idiot and blatantly so, Ranma isn´t and STILL manages to do and say much more annoying things. She just can´t take him completely serious, and more importantly, she doesn´t have to. He´s not the guy being forced on her.


My point is not that it should be kind... it is that it should not be mean.

No. Again, why? At that point Akane has absolutely no reason to be nice and every reason to be pissed off to 11.

Akane is not nice to him in any continuity...

If she was, that would be ridiculously unrealistic.

She consistently treats even Ranma's rivals and enemies, heck even her kidnappers, better than Ranma...

Well of course. Basic psychology. Ranma is being forced on her very much against her wishes, and his rivals and enemies are in opposition to him, and that as well.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Pata Hikari » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:19 pm

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Should? No. But, I think she still treats Kuno better than Ranma

Not in the slightest. Ranma and Akane get along fine most of the time until something (often Ranma himself) does something to kickstart a tiff, even then the argument usually ends quickly.

Kuno, on the other hand, is never really given anything more then strained politeness mixed with annoyance when his stalker tendencies come out.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:19 pm

That's a rather shallow view of the reality. With Kuno, Akane's behavior toward his actions are almost always understandable and justified, so he's treated -- relatively speaking -- rather fairly. Ranma? Not so much. Sometimes she hardly needs an excuse to make a mountain out of a mole hill when it comes to him, and her treatment of him is hardly aided by her extreme mistrust in him, her habit of jumping to the worst conclusions, her touchy pride, and her overall unreasonableness where Ranma is concerned. She's way more volatile toward Ranma, period. It doesn't matter whether they get along most of the time because that would be a false equivalence, since Akane has a very different relationship and history with Kuno than she does with Ranma. The fact of the matter is: you'll never see Akane as mad, violent or unreasonable, or be that way as often, with anyone save Ranma, deserved and otherwise.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Pata Hikari » Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:24 pm

90% of the time Akane's anger at Ranma is perfectly justifed and the 10% of the time it isn't is understandable based off circimstance or Ranma's past actions.

For one thing, Akane's anger isn't unreasonable, and she's far from unsually violent in comparison to the other members of the cast.

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:She's way more volatile toward Ranma, period.

Because Ranma goes out of his way to provoke her.
Pata Hikari
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:15 am

How you view their relationship is really skewed, and your conclusion isn't based on much of what actually goes on between them, either. 90%? Pfft! That couldn't be any more blatant as a biased opinion. (Well, except for the remaining ten percent, of course.) While I'm sure that it would be a fun project to see who started what, arguing over what constitutes as "start," tallying them up, and deciding where the line is drawn for responsibility, the thing is: it doesn't matter. They have a fairly antagonistic relationship, and not only do they have buttons that can be pushed, they are both rather familiar with them. While Ranma certainly presses her buttons, she most certainly presses his often enough, too. And it doesn't matter who started what, since Akane -- sweet, innocent angel that she is -- is just as responsible in how the situation is handled. In that, Akane is just as bad as Ranma, if not worse, because it's her that the resolution of a situation often hinges. Considering how often the comedy in the series relies on accidents and misunderstandings, problems often come into being between these two because of her: due to mistrust, not hearing Ranma out, jumping to conclusions whether he gets to explain himself or not, trusting another's word over his (even by those she shouldn't trust), not giving him the benefit of the doubt, and paranoia/letting her fears dictate what to think and/or what the reality of the situation is.

Furthermore, you're wrong about Akane basing her behavior toward Ranma's past actions, at least to any meaningful degree. It's not just because the series has next to no continuity, but she never behaves as if she actually learns anything about the situations that she's been in with Ranma. She never thinks, "Oh, maybe this is yet another misunderstanding," or, "So many situations could have been resolved quickly if I had given him the benefit of the doubt, so let's give it a try." Instead, she has been unreasonable with him from day one, and -- in fact -- established what their relationship would be like, so it's understandable why Ranma chooses to treat her like he does at times: because, behind that cute smile, is someone who often isn't easy to deal with because of how unreasonable and unfair they are to him.

I'm not saying that Akane's initial reaction to Ranma isn't understandable (not that understandable necessarily means excusable), but she held a grudge and drove that first wedge into their relationship, being quite nasty from the start (even in Ranma's absence), and Ranma was only reactionary at that time -- it was Akane who was setting up the mood, and laying down the foundation for what their relationship would be like. And she was unreasonable from the very beginning: using such twisted logic as, "Even though I was the one who walked in on you, and neither of us had anticipated seeing each other naked, it's all your fault because I'm a girl."

And that's why that 90% against Ranma is ridiculous; he's just taking his cues -- for the most part -- from the stage that Akane set up. While I won't say that Akane is as much at fault as you had claimed Ranma to be, I would have found it a lot more conceivable, before analysis, had someone proposed it.

Anyway, if you disagree, we'll just have to agree to disagree, because -- chances are -- we'll just keep arguing and never agree otherwise. We've gone a bit off-topic, besides.
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Pata Hikari » Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:48 am

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:How you view their relationship is really skewed, and your conclusion isn't based on much of what actually goes on between them, either. 90%? Pfft! That couldn't be any more blatant as a biased opinion.

It came from a little thing called "Reading Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi"

Also, the 90% was an exaggeration, you know, that thing that people do. The point is that Ranma starts most of the fight, and even then there are a lot less then you're stating if you think throwing out words like " They have a fairly antagonistic relationship" is accurate.

I thought this thread was about comparing Canon Akane and Anime Akane, if you want to throw Fanon Akane into the mix then maybe your words are correct.

I mean, seriously. You've fallen into several Fanon traps

  • Asuming Ranma and Akane's default state is antagonism
  • Thinking that the scene "Ranma gets caught with a girl, Akane throws a screaming fit" happens with any particular regularity.
  • Completely ignoring all the character development that occurs over 38 volumes and assuming that Ranma and Akane's relationship was stuck in limbo.

Seriously, you call Akane unreasonable? She has the patience of a saint with Ranma! I don't think you get just how bad a lot of his actions are towards her.

Japan is even today behind the West in gender equality. Now, imagine how it was 20 years ago when Ranma 1/2 was published. Akane's future pretty much depends on getting a good husband. And she has Ranma, who by giri is her fiance. Think, for a moment, what it says about her to her peers that he has these other girls openly coming on to him, and him doing little to nothing to discourage them most of the time. Every time Shampoo does her thing Akane is, quite often publicly, shamed. She has every right to get upset about that when her fiance just keeps letting it happen!

Not to mention his disparaging remarks on her looks and femininity. The fact that she has actually has willingly agreed to be engaged past the part way point of the series says a lot about her.

Of course, all that is lightend by the fact that Ranma 1/2 is a comedy, so issues and stuff aren't taken near as seriously as they would in an actual drama (Another fanon trap, taking comedic plot points and scenes and treating them dead serious).
Pata Hikari
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Re: Whose worse manga akane or anime akane

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:11 am

Pata Hikari wrote:It came from a little thing called "Reading Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi"

Anyone can make that claim, so I fail to see any point being made here by insinuating that I didn't read it. Two people can view the same accident, standing side by side, and make significantly different reports on the details.

Also, the 90% was an exaggeration, you know, that thing that people do.

Right. Oh, how did you guess that I was a mind reader?

...Is what I'd like to say. Actually, not really. Perhaps it would have been a different story had you used hyperbole, but, really, exaggeration in general is simply bad form in serious discussions/arguments when the subject is quantitative in nature.

The point is that Ranma starts most of the fight,

Sorry, gonna need that proof thing if you want that statement to be more than opinion.

and even then there are a lot less then you're stating if you think throwing out words like " They have a fairly antagonistic relationship" is accurate.

It's more that you're not getting something, and reading what you want from that. I constructed it very specifically to leave it open on degree. I didn't use any absolutes, and elaborated later. Beyond that, if you disagree with my observations, that's not my problem.

if you want to throw Fanon Akane into the mix then maybe your words are correct.

I could say something similar in return. The Akane that you're espousing is pretty alien to the Akane that I'm familiar with.

I mean, seriously. You've fallen into several Fanon traps

That sounds like something that someone would say when they're falling victim to one of the classic blunders. Let's take a look...

  • Asuming Ranma and Akane's default state is antagonism

Nope. You're assuming that I assumed that. "Fairly antagonistic" hardly means completely, and thus default. If it were a matter of default, they wouldn't need buttons to press, would they?

  • Thinking that the scene "Ranma gets caught with a girl, Akane throws a screaming fit" happens with any particular regularity.

  • Yeah, you probably shouldn't think such an outrageous thing. You can't say, "I learned it from watching you," 'cause I never mentioned anything of the kind. Although, it does upset her often enough. Sometimes it's understandable, and other times it's not (when she sees that it was out of Ranma's control and hits/yells at him anyway, or just automatically assumes that he initiated it, even if the girl he's supposedly doing something inappropriate with is known for initiating said action).

  • Completely ignoring all the character development that occurs over 38 volumes and assuming that Ranma and Akane's relationship was stuck in limbo.

  • Another assumption on your part. Do note that I never came to a consensus on where their relationship leads; I only really specified the nature of how their relationship started. Just because I say that it's "fairly antagonistic" overall doesn't mean that there's no room for anything else. It's obvious that there's an underlying attraction between them (not that it makes much sense), but they've got too many problems -- both within and without -- bogging them down.

    Seriously, you call Akane unreasonable? She has the patience of a saint with Ranma! I don't think you get just how bad a lot of his actions are towards her.

    Now, see, never once did I argue for Ranma's innocence. I placed focus on Akane because she was the one that got that absurdly-low (and supposedly exaggerated; which I believe, because it's not like you haven't weighed heavily on Akane's side of things before) percentage. Just because I'm quiet on matters pertaining to Ranma doesn't mean you can play ventriloquist and fill that void on my behalf, even if by way of suggestion.

    Also, when Ranma is attacked by Shampoo, and is obviously frightened by the encounter, and Akane says, "Awfully cute, isn't she," the first thing I think of is patience. (Certainly not logic.) When Akane interrupted Ranma while he was explaining the kiss of death, because she jumped to conclusions, I also think of patience at that time, too. When Akane says, "Your little 'Shampoo' gave you quite a kiss... for a first meeting," after Shampoo gave Ranma the kiss of marriage, and prepared to get physical with Ranma when he tried to defend himself against such an allegation, whatever it is I think I see becomes a patient saint to me.

    ...Seriously, though, need I go on? That's just from one, small section of the manga. The series is rife with this kind of behavior from Akane.

    Japan is even today behind the West in gender equality. Now, imagine how it was 20 years ago when Ranma 1/2 was published. Akane's future pretty much depends on getting a good husband. And she has Ranma, who by giri is her fiance. Think, for a moment, what it says about her to her peers that he has these other girls openly coming on to him, and him doing little to nothing to discourage them most of the time. Every time Shampoo does her thing Akane is, quite often publicly, shamed. She has every right to get upset about that when her fiance just keeps letting it happen!

    You drug reality into the equation, so am I supposed to take the last thing that you said (below) seriously or what?

    And despite all of the supposed public shaming Akane's endured, she's as accepted by, and comfortable with, her peers as ever. Funny how fiction can ignore realism.

    Not to mention his disparaging remarks on her looks and femininity. The fact that she has actually has willingly agreed to be engaged past the part way point of the series says a lot about her.

    Oh, so should I do the assuming now, and think that you're saying it's okay for Akane to call Ranma a pervert (which I think is worse than what Ranma says, since its connotations are a lot more pervasive and negative)? They both sling mud at each other, though; so what. Akane gets special treatment?

    Past the "part way point?" Is that supposed to be awe-inspiring, or significant? Heck, she technically wanted to get out of the engagement at least three times in the series (telling Ranma that they were strangers (right when her hair was cut by a bandanna), saying that the engagement didn't happen after Shampoo's kiss of marriage, and the time when she had given Ranma to Nabiki). Never once did Ranma ever do that sort of thing (as far as I can remember) after the initial resistance that both he and Akane put up when they were first engaged. And afterward, it's Akane who initiates the "I'm not going to marry you" and "don't hang around me at school" declarations. That she willingly upholds the engagement later on doesn't change the fact that she had to resign herself at some point to get there, since it's pretty clear that she doesn't like Ranma enough to get busy tying the knot even by the end of the series, partially because she cares more about her pride than she does about Ranma (by trying to get him to say that he loves her before she says such a thing to him).

    Of course, all that is lightend by the fact that Ranma 1/2 is a comedy, so issues and stuff aren't taken near as seriously as they would in an actual drama (Another fanon trap, taking comedic plot points and scenes and treating them dead serious).

    Well, I'm glad that I didn't fall into that trap. What I take seriously is getting the facts straight, and 90% -- with 10% favoring Akane -- got in my crosshairs. I won't claim to be absolutely correct in my assertions, but I'm fairly confident about my knowledge. (I better be, since I've been reading Ranma 1/2 for nearly two decades, and writing fan-fiction -- and referencing the manga -- for nearly as long.)

    Anyway, that's it from me on the matter. I so need to get back to my current writing project.
    Crescent Pulsar S
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