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Postby toushin » Sun May 24, 2015 12:10 pm

a thought on the amazons in ranma: how do they stay a woman-lead clan of warriors if their customs ensure that the guys are stronger than the girls over all, as they have to be to marry. I mean, if only men strong enough to beat the woman warriors marry then A:the weak would be weeded out and B: doesn't having them do the housework then defeat that purpous?
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 244

Re: Amazons

Postby Spica75 » Sun May 24, 2015 3:58 pm

toushin wrote:a thought on the amazons in ranma: how do they stay a woman-lead clan of warriors if their customs ensure that the guys are stronger than the girls over all, as they have to be to marry. I mean, if only men strong enough to beat the woman warriors marry then A:the weak would be weeded out and B: doesn't having them do the housework then defeat that purpous?

Can´t say for sure, but i THINK that most of all is for outsiders(or those who want to go the extra distance so to speak).
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Re: Amazons

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Sun May 24, 2015 5:44 pm

More specifically, it's never said that being defeated by a male outsider is the only way to marry. More likely, they are just of the opinion that adding the blood of someone stronger than them could only be beneficial, so they make marriage mandatory under these particular circumstances.
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Re: Amazons

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Mon May 25, 2015 10:08 am

They're Amazons. It's their policy to do things Outsiders don't understand. Keeps them guessing.
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Re: Amazons

Postby three headed dog » Sun May 31, 2015 9:41 pm

woman-lead clan of warriors

Pretty sure that is fanon. We do not know very much about the amazon society at all. Other than the name of them (which really doesn't mean much since a lot of places have names that really have nothing to do with the place like a city/street called lakeview when there is no lake anywhere near there) we don't know who or how they are ruled. Do they have a queen. a king, a ruling council, a democratically elected leader, oldest person is leader by default, no leading body at all in which everyone who cares to can vote upon decisions (small enough population that could work), etc..
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