Martial Arts Construction

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Martial Arts Construction

Postby toushin » Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:26 pm

Martial arts construction is so prolific in ranma but I’ve never heard a proper description of it
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 244

Re: Martial Arts Construction

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:38 pm

Many times I've seen Kasumi's houskeeping depicted as an elaborated kata in her school of domestic arts. It seems reasonable. Housekeepers get more efficient as they gain experience.

Why shouldn't much the same be true for construction workers? Just about every line of work has some equivalent of an Ancient Master who can do things faster and more effectively than others. Nerima has a unique kind of damage going on, and the place is a Mecca for those in the martial arts. You take an Ancient Master and a localized situation, you get a dojo and students - a dojo training workers to both repair damage from the martial arts, and make the repairs strong enough to survive when the next martial artist comes by.

It could be called Martial Arts Reconstruction just as easily, but they make new buildings in Nerima too. Consider these people as similar to the architects and builders that work in earthquake territory.
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Ellen Kuhfeld
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Sailor Starlight
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Re: Martial Arts Construction

Postby Pata Hikari » Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:29 pm

It's prolific in Ranma fanfic you mean.

It's part of the whole "Martial Arts X" gag that is extended throughout the series (though mostly the first half), and the idea of super powered martial arts being used for mudnane things or silly things being super powered martial arts is a consistent comedic world-building point in the Ranmaverse, so even if it becomes less common it never vanishes.

"Martial Arts Construction" used a fair bit in fanfics because, well why not? We know there must be Martial Arts Mining because the Shi Shi Hokudan was created for that purpose, after all.
Pata Hikari
Senshi Cadet
Posts: 127

Re: Martial Arts Construction

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:52 am

In a completely different universe (Marvel Comics) the damage from battles was so widespread there was a group called Damage Control. They showed up after battles, and even had several limited series of their own. They were about as canonical as anything can get in the Marvel Universe.

It's a concept that cries out to be implemented.
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Sailor Starlight
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Re: Martial Arts Construction

Postby toushin » Tue Jun 20, 2017 3:21 pm

Both Bakusai Tenketsu and Shishi Hōkōdan were described as Martial arts Construction techniques and the style itself is often mention in fiction which is why I was surprised when I realized I never got a proper description of it.

I came a dragonball forum discussing Vegeta’s fighting style. In it one person described Saiyan martial arts as basically very brutal and straight-forward. This is what I think Martial arts Construction would be like. An "all-in-one" styles like Vale Tudo with less style, finesse and flashy moves, but more brutal, effective, practical "anything-goes".

Also given the way he fights I can picture Tojo from Beelzebub being a practitioner of this style.
Chibi Sailor Senshi
Posts: 244

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