Jusendo side effects?

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Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:09 pm

So am i the only one slightly bugged by the fact that there is no side effects for Jusendo?

It always bugs me that most people don't regard the potential effects of the Jusendo water, especially given that it is the source of Jusenkyo and likely to have some effect on the curse if nothing else. It just seems a shame that only a few people utilize this in their stories, the story stops at the wedding, but I've always wanted to know what would be the effects of Jusendo water on a Jusenkyo curse.

What does everyone think the effects would be? Most people seem to focus more on the psychological effects of Jusendo, and possibly the "Ranma pulls out hidden power for crossover to beat Saffron." But wouldnt it make sense if Jusendo somehow effected him.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Té Rowan » Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:52 pm

There was a crossover where it did affect him badly due to excess magic, coming close to killing him.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:08 pm

In canon, about the only side effects we ever see is

1. a propensity for being a water magnet.
2. it may have an ability to react to prevent death of those afflicted.
3. The springs mix.

#2 might be confusing, so I'll elaborate, as a specific example, Ryoga in the ice rink arc... as a pig he gets a very tight collar on him he gets splashed and turned back to human that collar seems to ave expanded to not allow him to choke to death.

Now... as for fan fiction stories with side effects, that depends exactly what you are looking for, and what willing to class as a side effect.

Several stories have had him with personalities of the original drowned girl.

I've seen a couple where he can pull on its magic reserve and use it to power attacks.

I've seen a couple where it was used as a form of reincarnation.

I've seen stories where Jusenkyo is sentient and has a task and reward set up for Ranma.

I've seen stories where a side effect of getting hit simultaneously allows self impregnation.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:01 pm

Well I meant specifically Jusendo, not just the springs/ I suppose there wouldnt be canonical side effects, since it ended right after that arc.

But the only story that comes to mind where Ranma had to deal with magical consequences of Jusendo are from a particular Negima crossover that I read awhile ago where among other things it raised the temperature needed for Ranma to change back to male. So I figured this was something worth discussion.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:02 pm

Jusendo is the source that gives birth to the Jusenkyo springs. Jusendo is also under the control of the phoenix people, who reproduce from eggs -- or at least Saffron reincarnates from them. Those pesky Phoenices!

That suggests at least two possible side effects. If killed, Ranma could form an egg and be reborn. (There is zero data on this one.) Or -- Ranma-chan could lay an egg. Wackiness ensues. This would work best as a Tenchi crossover, with the help of Ken-ohki.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:25 pm

that does sound amusing, i'm not as familiar with Tenchi Muyo except via osmosis from other fics. Before my time but I can see turning into an egg being amusing as well. There are a few ive seen where Ranma was made into an alt-Saffron but the question really is whether the phoenix people settled there because it was convenient or if Jusendo was the source of their features. It really depends on what exactly it is.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby PCHeintz72 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:42 pm

Ok, then only a few scenarios come to mind.

I remember reading a story where Ranma bore a scar from fighting Saffron at Jusendo, and it actually affected is affinity toward certain types of magic.

I think there actually was one similar to the above, but was a Tenchi one as was suggested.

There was 2 different stories where he had to help save the people of Jusendo by dealing with the fallout or consequences of what he did by defeating Saffron when and as he did... One was magical fallout and he needed to help get access to the power for the tribe. Another was that because Saffron was not alive to reseal a enemy, that enemy broke out, and they resorted to begging their greatest enemy to help fight the newly risen one.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:13 am

One idea that I've had floating in my noggin for a while is one where Ranma's curse is enhanced by Jusendo water. That is to say: physically, the traits that make him identifiable as a girl become more exaggerated/pronounced, his cursed form matures, or a combination of the two. This is based on the effects it has on Saffron, whose unique race -- like Ranma's curse -- only exists because of their interaction with cursed water.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:54 am

Part of me has been thinking along that line, though not exactly. I was wondering if it couldn't residually effect other magics effecting Ranma as well but then that is a whole new can of worms considering all the possible effects that could bring about.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:32 am

I wouldn't complain if lingering/embedded phoenix pill magic results in a phoenix-Ranma, regardless of which type of phoenix it ends up being.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:09 pm

It is an interesting idea, I might mix it together with a few other plot bunnies i have running around in my head at some point, though if someone else wants to use the idea thats fine too. :D

could also mix with any number of other magics that have effected Ranma. Aging mushrooms, Jusenkyo, Dragon whisker, etc.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Pata Hikari » Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:08 am

PCHeintz72 wrote:1. a propensity for being a water magnet.

Nope. This is fanon. At no point is being a "water magnet" ever given as a Junenkyo side effect.

This is yet another fanon that tries to "explain" comedic plot devices (in this case, miss timed water in order to trigger the curse at the exact wrong time).
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:03 am

I've always written it off as the characters' rotten luck more than anything.since While Gemma did bring attention to the fact Ranma seems to attract water it's never really been described as an active part of the curse canonically. The only effect of Jusenkyo actually seems to be the curse, and anything that may come as a result of shape shifting such as what may result from the altered brain chemistry.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Spica75 » Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:41 am

Pata Hikari wrote:Nope. This is fanon. At no point is being a "water magnet" ever given as a Junenkyo side effect.

This is yet another fanon that tries to "explain" comedic plot devices (in this case, miss timed water in order to trigger the curse at the exact wrong time).

Fanon it may be, but it FITS oh so well. Because if you were to try figuring out the probability of getting hit by cold water like Ranma does? In less than a week you would be beyond astronomical figures. Heck, pick just the right DAY and it would be beyond ridiculous after merely that day.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:01 am

Pata Hikari wrote:Nope. This is fanon. At no point is being a "water magnet" ever given as a Junenkyo side effect.

This is yet another fanon that tries to "explain" comedic plot devices (in this case, miss timed water in order to trigger the curse at the exact wrong time).

I always considered it as yet another manifestation of the curse of "interesting times". Of course, that's fanon too ...
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