Jusendo side effects?

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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:51 pm

I honestly don't think it's odd that Ranma's curse is activated as much as it seems to be. For one, water in general is extremely common in our day to day lives, and maybe more so in Ranma's case, considering how out-doors-y he is while not bothering having an umbrella on hand all the time (like a certain someone). There are probably anywhere between a half dozen to a baker's -- if not more -- worth of unavoidable encounters with water every day. Plus, a lot of the changes are also deliberate, or obviously at the author's behest (like when Ranma tried to meet his mother as a man for the first time). In the end, considering how strange his circumstances are in general, if I had to choose any explanation other than "the author did it," I'd go with "interesting times" rather than attributing the phenomenon to the curse specifically.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Té Rowan » Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:11 am

Pata Hikari wrote:Nope. This is fanon. At no point is being a "water magnet" ever given as a Jusenkyo side effect.

Explaining it away as merely a fanservice plot device is just so boring.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Pata Hikari » Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:02 am

The biggest flaw with the "Water Magnet" fanon is that none of the other cast members are really effected by it.

Ryoga never has to dodge hotwater or find a way out after getting hit by water in front of Akane, for instance.
Pata Hikari
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Spica75 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:23 am

Pata Hikari wrote:The biggest flaw with the "Water Magnet" fanon is that none of the other cast members are really effected by it.

Ryoga never has to dodge hotwater or find a way out after getting hit by water in front of Akane, for instance.

Mostly true yes. But even the other curse victims have a definite tendency to get hit by cold water much more often than would be plausible just on random chance. Ranma is just drastically worse.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Té Rowan » Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:39 pm

Pata Hikari wrote:The biggest flaw with the "Water Magnet" fanon is that none of the other cast members are really effected by it.

Who wants to see a stretching panda more than a stretching fem!Ranma, anyway?

Ryoga never has to dodge hotwater or find a way out after getting hit by water in front of Akane, for instance.

Only way that could be made funny is by adding chase scene music and half of Nerima.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:12 pm

Spica75 wrote:Mostly true yes. But even the other curse victims have a definite tendency to get hit by cold water much more often than would be plausible just on random chance. Ranma is just drastically worse.

There's really no objective way to determine if this happens to any of the characters often, though. Not only is the concept of time as we know it next to non-existent for all intents and purposes, as years go by via the physical world while hardly any changes about anyone's lives reflect that, what we're seeing of their lives is almost certain to be the "highlights," rather than a comprehensive whole of their experiences.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Spica75 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:27 am

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:There's really no objective way to determine if this happens to any of the characters often, though. Not only is the concept of time as we know it next to non-existent for all intents and purposes, as years go by via the physical world while hardly any changes about anyone's lives reflect that, what we're seeing of their lives is almost certain to be the "highlights," rather than a comprehensive whole of their experiences.

That´s exaggerating it a bit. We do know though that there´s at least several times where it happens a bunch of times on the same day, and that the way it happens is often totally unlikely.

In comparison, i think i have been splashed with water(cold OR warm) once or MAYBE twice in over 40 years in any way even remotely resembling what happens to Ranma all the time(and even that´s stretching similarity, as likely neither of my "events" would have triggered such a curse if i had it(nor have anyone i know had that kind of watery experiences by way of random)). And while there´s no real timeline for Ranma, we do know it takes place during a rather short period of time, almost certainly less than 2 years, with some parts suggesting less than 1 year even.

Getting splashed by cold water once per week is already an extremely unlikely thing to happen based on pure random chance. Heck, even once a YEAR isn´t remotely likely unless you do something to seek probabilities out.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby AxelTheBunny » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:53 am

I've always figured it was mostly just bad luck and narrative convenience, I usually run with these events happening despite being unlikely however I doubt it's an actual part of the curse. I think it's a bit nonsensical to rationalize a series where magic is involved in general unless said magic has clearly established rules.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:03 pm

Spica75 wrote:That´s exaggerating it a bit. We do know though that there´s at least several times where it happens a bunch of times on the same day, and that the way it happens is often totally unlikely.

That's suggesting a number of logical fallacies. Unlikelihood doesn't mean that there must be something at work aside from chance and deliberate actions from tangible, known variables. And, again, that we see these unlikely events happening within a day a few times does not mean that it's common/normal for the vast majority of days that we do not witness. You also have to consider the fact that the one responsible for illustrating these events to us clearly have a reason to be discriminatory when it comes to showing us certain things.

In comparison, i think i have been splashed with water(cold OR warm) once or MAYBE twice in over 40 years in any way even remotely resembling what happens to Ranma all the time(and even that´s stretching similarity, as likely neither of my "events" would have triggered such a curse if i had it(nor have anyone i know had that kind of watery experiences by way of random)).

Getting splashed by cold water once per week is already an extremely unlikely thing to happen based on pure random chance. Heck, even once a YEAR isn´t remotely likely unless you do something to seek probabilities out.

I'm fairly confident that your circumstances and character are very different from his, and that matters a lot. There's no way that your expectations can come anywhere near to being equivalent. If he were more sedentary, avoidant and less adventurous, then I might humor you, but he's not. It's because he moves around a lot, can do it in ways we can't, and has the strength, fortitude and skills to expose himself to hazards beyond us, that trivializes his exposure to water. His chances aren't the same as ours simply because he's the sort of person who puts himself out there where such things are more possible, as opposed to the sort of person who spends most of their time in a controlled and/or dry environment, who may or may not also have an "uncomplicated" social life. Ranma's simply not the kind of person who goes out of his way to significantly reduce the possibility of coming into contact with water by chance.

And while there´s no real timeline for Ranma, we do know it takes place during a rather short period of time, almost certainly less than 2 years, with some parts suggesting less than 1 year even.

Can't be less than one year, considering there's two New Years, not to mention multiple Summers and Winters. (Heck, at least half a year passes in just the span of the first four graphic novels.)

But what you're saying is beside the point. Whatever amount of time we think has passed while certain characters' ages and school grade remain the same, we still only see a very small fraction of it.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Pata Hikari » Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:23 pm

Anyways, I'm going to actually comment on the OP now.

AxelTheBunny wrote:" But wouldnt it make sense if Jusendo somehow effected him.

Why would it effect Ranma in any particular way in the first place? Akane was the one drenched in the magic water, after all. Heck, the magic water of Jusendo was absorbed to become all of the water in her body.

If you want to make a fanfic using Unknown Side Effects from the source of the Jusenkyo springs, wouldn't Akane be the one who gets whatever weird magic effect you cook up?
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:05 am

Why wouldn't it affect Ranma? Seems like a viable enough what-if, divergence-wise, considering he actually has a curse/magic affecting him. In terms of side-effects, which the OP was asking about, Akane's either magic-neutral or virtually so, and thus there's more of an unlikelihood of her experiencing a side-effect from something. The magic in Jusendo water seems inert or passive in nature, seeing as it did nothing to the cursed characters when they were exposed to it, so I'd have less of an expectation of something happening to Akane, who -- as far as we know -- has nothing for the water to act upon (if said water were inclined to behave in a way that contradicted canon).
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Pata Hikari » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:46 am

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Why wouldn't it affect Ranma? Seems like a viable enough what-if, divergence-wise, considering he actually has a curse/magic affecting him. In terms of side-effects, which the OP was asking about, Akane's either magic-neutral or virtually so, and thus there's more of an unlikelihood of her experiencing a side-effect from something. The magic in Jusendo water seems inert or passive in nature, seeing as it did nothing to the cursed characters when they were exposed to it, so I'd have less of an expectation of something happening to Akane, who -- as far as we know -- has nothing for the water to act upon (if said water were inclined to behave in a way that contradicted canon).

This isn't an AU or divergence we're talking about though. Axel specifically mentioned this little brainstorm being a continuation.

And what the heck is this about Akane being "magically neutral"? That's not a thing that exists in canon, she's effected by magic as much as every other cast member. She's compelled by the hypnosis mushrooms, gains strength from the magic Super Soba, is able to use the magic Battle Dogi, and oh yeah, at the end of the manga has all her body's water magically sucked out of her by a magic tap, and then restored by a magic spring.

Having some other magic effect from the Jusendo Water isn't exactly defying canon either, since the Jusenkyo guide says it has many magic properties, we see just see some of them. It's a perfectly acceptable plot device to use for some other weird effect.

Heck, I could argue that since the cursed characters have already been effected by the water (from the Springs) it wouldn't effect them like it would with someone who hasn't been en-spelled, such as Akane. Magic is completely arbitrary in fiction, after all.
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Spica75 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:10 am

Hmm, good point...
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Crescent Pulsar S » Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:07 am

Pata Hikari wrote:This isn't an AU or divergence we're talking about though. Axel specifically mentioned this little brainstorm being a continuation.

I don't see Axel mention anything about a continuation. The only Jusendo I'm seeing being referred to is the one before the wedding, not anything about a reintroduction to Jusendo water again after the fact -- even in intimation. You'd have to go out of your way and make an excuse for why the side-effect doesn't present itself until after the whole "wedding" thing, and I wasn't willing to assume that much.

And what the heck is this about Akane being "magically neutral"? That's not a thing that exists in canon, she's effected by magic as much as every other cast member. She's compelled by the hypnosis mushrooms, gains strength from the magic Super Soba, is able to use the magic Battle Dogi, and oh yeah, at the end of the manga has all her body's water magically sucked out of her by a magic tap, and then restored by a magic spring.

You failed to grasp the context of what I was saying. Ranma is being affected by magic. You're arguing that Akane has been affected, or in contact, with magic. Two very different things. (And I'd argue that Akane having magic had nothing to do with her being able to use the Battle Dogi. It simply chose her because of its personal preference for her body type.)

Also, do note that I did not say that there was no chance of her having some magic, or no chance of being affected. I only said that her experiencing some kind of side-effect would be more unlikely.

Having some other magic effect from the Jusendo Water isn't exactly defying canon either, since the Jusenkyo guide says it has many magic properties, we see just see some of them. It's a perfectly acceptable plot device to use for some other weird effect.

I'd need to look it up to see if the guide actually says that, but the problem with the Jusendo water being the primary medium of change, rather than whatever's tied to a particular individual, is it would complicate things for the author. That's not to say that that's reason enough not to go with that interpretation, but its affect on the story would certainly need to be considered. (For instance: explaining why all but one person was affected, or incorporating all of the affected people into the plot when that hadn't been the intended focus initially.)

Magic is completely arbitrary in fiction, after all.

Plot explanation: magic. *I hiss and thrust my crossed fingers at it*
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Re: Jusendo side effects?

Postby Pata Hikari » Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:22 am

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:I don't see Axel mention anything about a continuation. The only Jusendo I'm seeing being referred to is the one before the wedding, not anything about a reintroduction to Jusendo water again after the fact -- even in intimation. You'd have to go out of your way and make an excuse for why the side-effect doesn't present itself until after the whole "wedding" thing, and I wasn't willing to assume that much.

AxelTheBunny wrote:It always bugs me that most people don't regard the potential effects of the Jusendo water, especially given that it is the source of Jusenkyo and likely to have some effect on the curse if nothing else. It just seems a shame that only a few people utilize this in their stories, the story stops at the wedding, but I've always wanted to know what would be the effects of Jusendo water on a Jusenkyo curse.

This part, which I generally saw as wishing the series had continued on after Jusendo and showed some weird magic plot thingy.

Of course, that would require Takahashi to care about continuity in a way that fanfic authors do, but hey, nobody ever said discussing a decades old manga was anything but pedantic nerdery.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:
Also, do note that I did not say that there was no chance of her having some magic, or no chance of being affected. I only said that her experiencing some kind of side-effect would be more unlikely.

Actually, as I pointed out, the fact that Akane's lifeblood is now magic water is the easiest point to explain why her out of everybody got some weird magic effect from the water. More reasonable then some vague connection to produce Yet Another Ranma Power Up Fanfic.

Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Plot explanation: magic. *I hiss and thrust my crossed fingers at it*


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