Oh, hey, I get to hop on the "train" late. Here's my two cents, since -- apparently -- I'm a drifting hobo now.
Ranma trains "with" Akane. Sure, in the loosest terms. I can understand why fan-fiction writers make the assumption that they usually don't train together, outside of special circumstances, because both their style focus and dedication are very different. If they're together, chances are it would just be coincidence, considering the time available to them both and where they can do it conveniently. (And I think Ranma's the only one who takes his normal training beyond the Tendo property, aside from certain not-specific-to-martial arts exercises, like jogging.)
I'd also argue that there's more evidence that there's a reason why there's a Saotome and Tendo qualifier (aka school) to "Anything Goes," rather than just calling the whole shebang "Anything Goes" and calling it a day. There are two prime reasons why calling them the exact same style will likely be an assumption: we don't see Soun do much of anything to definitively demonstrate the differences and/or similarities, and Akane is clearly not as dedicated enough to be nearly as advanced as Ranma, so you can't make a fair comparison on that front. Some things that we know for sure (if my memory serves me right), though: Ranma is never seen breaking bricks in the same manner as Akane, Akane's never shown to meditate like Ranma does every now and again, and Ranma once (during the rhythmic gymnastic story) said that the Saotome school specialized in mid-air combat. Also, Genma developed two of his own personal styles, rather than for the benefit of Anything Goes as a whole. All that's not irrefutable proof by any means, but it tips the scales toward the likelihood of the schools being different, even if not fundamentally.
Now, as far as the enchanted dogi is concerned, Pata: the dogi was both capable of fighting and strong enough to defeat Ranma (as well as Soun and Genma simultaneously) when not worn, even before being worn the first time, so how do you know it was purely Akane's skill that allowed her to match/beat Ranma, nevermind the handicap that he was under (because he didn't want to hurt her)? Unless you can clear that up, you'll be making an assumption. You'll also have to detail how she fights exactly like Ranma does, as opposed to doing the generic stuff that we've seen many characters do. Although my memory's not perfect, there were two grappling moves in the dogi story alone that I don't recall Ranma ever doing. (I'm sure he could do them if he wanted to, but that's an entirely different argument.) If that turns out to be true, it stands to reason that it suggests that her style might be different, if we assume it was Akane and not the dogi doing it.
Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:impostor.png
And it takes a lifetime to know thyself. *Nods sagely*