Essentially magic and the supernatural in the world of Ranma 1/2 somehow seems both common and uncommon.
I also recall in the anime that there existed a martial arts school that specialized in toy based techniques such as someone who defeated using a top.
It happens numerous times in both the anime and manga i recall, where superhuman feats did inspire some degree of surprise at the very least. In addition, I recall that once or twice the dojo being contracted to deal with supernatural issues
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:If you answer the question within the context of the characters being focused on, then magic and the supernatural are common. I'd say too common, considering all of the silly and impractical kinds that actually seem to be a thing (for the lulz). If you draw back your view beyond those characters, as much as we've been granted to see beyond them, it seems to be at odds with that more concentrated view, and the only way to reconcile the two perspectives is to take yourself out of the world entirely and rudely point your index finger at Takahashi.
Overall, for Ranmaverse, i tend to assume that average people have little or more likely no more knowledge of magic/supernatural than someone in the real world, but that anyone who tries looking will generally find at least something fairly soon.
Takahashi goes the nonsensical route by not addressing the discrepancy between reality and the piece of the world she's showcasing to us, so the exaggerations can go to extremes.
Also, it's not useless to analyze these things. Sometimes you never know what you'll come up with when thinking about something. It could end up being useless, but it could also end up being something useful and/or interesting.
A. While individuals such as Akane, Kuno, and presumably many of the single appearance challengers, live or lived in a more or less normal environment, they still showed physical feats beyond human capacity.
Hell Kuno was able to break statues with air pressure and it only left Nabiki only marginally surprised if I recall, this scene was mostly the same in both Anime and Manga.
It tells me that the Ranmaverse is at least marginally aware of things that would be supernatural.
I do agree with the idea behind the magic products however, since that'd make the most sense in this respect. It does give the impression magic in this universe is also extraordinarily unwieldy, causing a lot more randomness than other universes where magic is present.
I can understand people assuming that the Ranmaverse outside of the story is largely like our own, hell i've made this assumption in a couple of my own fics i'm sure, But I don't really believe that to be accurate given what we know, and can infer from what we do see. Not that I really care, after all people are going to, and are free to write how they want.
Besides the assumption DOES make things like crossovers so easy to mesh with the Ranmaverse, and there are plenty of good fics that utilize that idea so. Pretty much most of them in fact so.
WG_Writer wrote:I think in the Ranma 1/2 universe "magic" is common enough BUT the most encountered versions are usually passed off as a trick or something similar, slight of hand and such.
Cheb wrote:I'd go with analogue of robotic prosthetic limbs and means to cure cancer. Intellectually you know that both already exist today, but seeing one in real life? And good luck if you need one for yourself.
Pata Hikari wrote:You can get order powered armor that makes you nearly a strong as fighter as Ranma in the mail. With said power armor being advertised in the back of comic books.
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