When it comes to pairings, everybody knows Ranma 1/2 was always a case of Designated Official Couple: Rumiko Takakashi was adamant that Ranma would wed Akane, and, deliberately or not, went out of her way to present the other potential rivals in the most unflattering light she could in order to avoid another Lum situation. After all, Urusei Yatsura had originally been intended to be an Ataru/Shinobu pairing, and this is completely undeniable if you'd read the first volume (9 chapters) - there's literally a time travel story where they go 10 years into the future and discover that Lum has been chased off and Ataru & Shinobu are married with an infant son. But, despite this, many fans do find various other females in the Ranma 1/2 cast to be interesting, and even potentially shippable with our hero(ine).
Of course, shipping fics in particular have a tendency to get out of character, but I'm curious: are there ways to "twist" a given Ranma 1/2 girl's portrayal so that she's not completely out of character with regards to canon, but at the same time, she presents herself as a valid potential suitor for Ranma? What are your opinions on the subject?
I could go on quite the essay here, but I feel it would be rude. Instead, I'll just try to be pertinent with a single example: Nabiki Tendo. In canon, Nabiki cares nothing for Ranma and exploits him shamelessly for money and amusement. But, if you go back to the very first chapter of the very first volume, Nabiki is actually the only Tendo girl who is interested in being Ranma's potential fiancee. She is actively excited by the news of Ranma's coming, which the anime version emphasizes by having her dress up nicely in a formal kimono compared the manga's Nabiki staying in her original sleeveless top and short shorts - that's something that even the traditionalist Kasumi didn't do. Nabiki is the only Tendo girl who is so excited that she runs to meet Ranma when he arrives, and she's also the most obviously disappointed when Ranma turns out to be a girl.
With this in mind... I don't think it's implausible to portray Nabiki as secretly regretting pushing Ranma onto Akane from afar and trying to deny that regret once she gets to know him better and the curse stops being so freaky. Likewise, if Ranma had turned up in male form, Nabiki being the one to volunteer for the fiancee position seems sensible to me - and with her personality, I can see her trying a lot harder to "make it work" once the curse comes out, if only because she knows her father is never going to just agree to drop the whole engagement and so she's got to make the best of it.