I don't know about this. I only watched the first two seasons, and two movies, and that was enough for me. There was just too much embarrassment flowing through it. The fan-fiction is more to my taste. (And I did watch Sailor Moon all the way through to Stars, though if I watched it again I'd skip Super S.) The fanfic is okay, but not as much fun. And I've never read Wildbow's
Parahumans, because all word of mouth I've had is that it is doubleplus grimdark. On the other hand, a LOT of the fanfic is fabulous.
Remake or fanfic, it's a retelling. That can be technically better, but seldom as good. For things like Ranma, the original was good enough for me. For
Parahumans, one of the functions of fan fiction is to to tell stories in the same world. But another thing fan-fiction does is
fix the world, or the characters, or both. Ranma will probably get
one remake, and whether it's better or worse, I don't care that much. It will be what it is. Fanfic, however, comes with thousands of possibilities. There' are plenty of non-grimdark Parahumans fics. You learn to read
them, not the stuff that's faithful to the original. It's hard to find good stories for beginners, I'll mention two very, very long stories (a million words or more) that grabbed me hard enough for me to have read each twice, million words or no,
Desperately Seeking Ranma by
pixelwriter1. Start reading with
Aftermath, which sets the main story up. You can ignore the other side stories until you want more background.
It's Always the Quiet Ones isn't a side story - it's a crossover between Harry Potter and the Lovecraft Mythos.
Worm/Parahumans: This one is the
real giant story, giant lizards included.
Taylor Varga by mp3_1415player. Surely, the gods of fan-aliases are grinning. The player's done lots of fics. Many grew out of Taylor Varga. Some of the omakes have grown to the size of novels, and spun off to be themselves.