Ranma remake in the works

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Ranma remake in the works

Postby Neko- » Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:50 pm

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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:43 pm

I don't know about this. I only watched the first two seasons, and two movies, and that was enough for me. There was just too much embarrassment flowing through it. The fan-fiction is more to my taste. (And I did watch Sailor Moon all the way through to Stars, though if I watched it again I'd skip Super S.) The fanfic is okay, but not as much fun. And I've never read Wildbow's Parahumans, because all word of mouth I've had is that it is doubleplus grimdark. On the other hand, a LOT of the fanfic is fabulous.

Remake or fanfic, it's a retelling. That can be technically better, but seldom as good. For things like Ranma, the original was good enough for me. For Parahumans, one of the functions of fan fiction is to to tell stories in the same world. But another thing fan-fiction does is fix the world, or the characters, or both. Ranma will probably get one remake, and whether it's better or worse, I don't care that much. It will be what it is. Fanfic, however, comes with thousands of possibilities. There' are plenty of non-grimdark Parahumans fics. You learn to read them, not the stuff that's faithful to the original. It's hard to find good stories for beginners, I'll mention two very, very long stories (a million words or more) that grabbed me hard enough for me to have read each twice, million words or no,

Ranma: Desperately Seeking Ranma by pixelwriter1. Start reading with Aftermath, which sets the main story up. You can ignore the other side stories until you want more background. It's Always the Quiet Ones isn't a side story - it's a crossover between Harry Potter and the Lovecraft Mythos.

Worm/Parahumans: This one is the real giant story, giant lizards included. Taylor Varga by mp3_1415player. Surely, the gods of fan-aliases are grinning. The player's done lots of fics. Many grew out of Taylor Varga. Some of the omakes have grown to the size of novels, and spun off to be themselves.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby CRBWildcat » Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:52 pm

Eh, it's something to keep an eye on. Ranma's one-tenth the reason I'm on this site to begin with.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby slickrcbd » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:52 am

On one hand, I think the existing anime is good even today.
On the other hand, it was canceled before getting to all the material in the manga.

I don't think it needs a remake so much as a continuation to finish what they started. The problem is that it's been 30 years since the anime aired, so restarting from the beginning makes too much sense.
If this had been in 2004 or better yet 2000 or whenever the manga first started getting its official translation, a continuation would have been more feasible, but sadly right now they would have to air the original and then the continuation or most of the target audience would be lost.
Although even back then airing the original first would make sense, or doing a back to back thing with an episode of the original and then "The NEW Ranma 1/2 adventures" to borrow from an '80s cartoon cliche I recall with Flintstones, Scooby Doo, Space Ghost, and others when I was a kid. Of course I was confused back then because I was too young to remember the originals and the internet did not exist.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Neko- » Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:12 am

Personally I'd probably watch it.
Then again, Urusei Yatsura is also being remade, and Ihav yet towatch a single episode of that still (got them ready, just haven't made the time to watch them).
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:16 am

"Finishing up" after a thirty-year hiatus is a bad idea. Something like that happened to Tenchi Muyo: Ryo-oh-ki, and it was horribly revisionist. Suddenly Tenchi had a different mother, a new fiancee, and many personalities had changed. In the interval, they'd made other Tenchi continuities. That's okay -- they were self-consistent, as much as anime can get. (Tenchi in Tokyo was horrible, but that is quite another matter.)

Self-consistency within a continuity is important. Ranma wouldn't get that out of a 'continuation'. Better they should redo the original, then keep on going.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby PCHeintz72 » Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:36 pm

I'm of mixed feelings on a redo...

I agree a continuation would be a bad idea.

Also, I loved Desperately Seeking Ranma. Though some sailor moon fans on the TFF forum ways back hated it with a passion... I do wish Pixelwriter would either pick it back up, or even instead continus his other story, called a Day of Boredom...
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Ellen Kuhfeld » Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:37 pm

PCHeintz72 wrote:I'm of mixed feelings on a redo...

I agree a continuation would be a bad idea.

Also, I loved Desperately Seeking Ranma. Though some sailor moon fans on the TFF forum ways back hated it with a passion... I do wish Pixelwriter would either pick it back up, or even instead continus his other story, called a Day of Boredom...

Complete agreement in every detail!

If you yearn for a nicely polished world even more detailed than Desperately Seeking Ranma, and are willing to try something longer, try Taylor Varga by mp3_1415player. It's a Worm fanfiction, almost two million words long, and the only reason it's that short is because some of the omakes grew legs and went off to become novels in their own right.

I have mentioned Worm fanfics before, and had knowledgeable folk say, "That's grimdark." I suppose it is -- I haven't read it. Remember, though that two of the premier reasons for writing fanfiction are "I want more of this" and "I want to fix this mess." I only read the latter. That's what MP3_1415 player writes. Two million words? I've read it twice.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Neko- » Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:43 pm

I still probably watch it. Just not getting my hopes up too much :)
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby KonokoHasano » Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:28 am

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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby iiradned » Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:45 pm

The cast list at the end has all but one of the seiyuus coming back. The only one not returning is Obayashi Ryusuke who voiced Soun. Ogata Kenichi who originally voiced Genma is back but only as narrator with a different seiyuu taking on the character.

Not listed are Mu Tsu, Ku Lon, Ukyo, or any Kunos.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Neko- » Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:15 pm

Comparinjg the original to the new bits shown in the trailer

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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Neko- » Sat Aug 10, 2024 5:28 pm

Appointed Spammaster Rank D by Himitsu - June 21st 2006
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby iiradned » Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:55 pm

Here is the OP for the new anime.

New trailer.
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Re: Ranma remake in the works

Postby Té Rowan » Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:12 am

Realitometer: [\........] Hmmph! Thought so...
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