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Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:46 pm
by SailorStar9
The 'Grass is greener on the other side' syndrome; as in she sees the Guardian Senshi happy in their respective relationships and feels that her relationship with Mamoru isn't as great as what the girls have. Would she be tempted to take the Guardian Senshi's boyfriends for herself just because of that?

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:55 pm
by Noy Telinú
I believe so... she is a teenage girl with romantic issues...

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:18 pm
by PCHeintz72
SailorStar9 wrote:The 'Grass is greener on the other side' syndrome; as in she sees the Guardian Senshi happy in their respective relationships and feels that her relationship with Mamoru isn't as great as what the girls have. Would she be tempted to take the Guardian Senshi's boyfriends for herself just because of that?

What boyfirends? Except Jupiter naming everything under the sun her previous boyfriend, we really do not see them with anyone steady much...

There is also the idea, what boyfriend would want Usagi?

However, forgettin those issues, I without question beleive she would do so.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:20 pm
by Ellen Kuhfeld
SailorStar9 wrote:Would she be tempted to take the Guardian Senshi's boyfriends for herself just because of that?

What boyfriends?

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:21 pm
by Spokavriel
Mamoru isn't exactly Mr Perfect. And you got to see Usagi's wandering eyes when the outers were introduced.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:28 pm
by Spica75
The 'Grass is greener on the other side' syndrome

Depends on when... Probably yes. If she had anything to really compare with at least.

Would she be tempted to take the Guardian Senshi's boyfriends for herself just because of that?

Unlikely. You could certainly set up such a situation where it becomes likely, but it would probably require both something really bad between her and mr tuxboy, at the same time as she has reason to believe that whoever´s boyfriend is no longer in a "close" relationship, and she has some reason not to be ms supporting friend to whichever senshi was affected by the real or fake breakup.

And you got to see Usagi's wandering eyes when the outers were introduced.

Yes, but she´s not seriously acting on it. She´s young and easily distracted, at least as long as she has no reason to be serious.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:32 pm
by Noy Telinú
With other GUYS... Didn't Usagi enthusiastically allow Michiru to dance with Tuxboy when she offered Usagi to dance with Haruka?

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:37 pm
by SailorStar9
Spica75 wrote:Unlikely. You could certainly set up such a situation where it becomes likely, but it would probably require both something really bad between her and mr tuxboy, at the same time as she has reason to believe that whoever´s boyfriend is no longer in a "close" relationship, and she has some reason not to be ms supporting friend to whichever senshi was affected by the real or fake breakup.

So, this could happen:

After high school, the Inner Senshi split off to college/university, where the Guardian Senshi each find boyfriends of their own. With Mamoru returning to Harvard for a second time, Usagi feels lonely, despite the nightly phone calls and regular letters/emails. Then, during one of their meet-ups, Usagi finds one of the girls' boyfriends attractive. Would she be jealous and lonely enough to actually steal the said Senshi's beau?

And by steal, I mean, create incidents that would cause the couple to break up, and Usagi would swoop in and nab the guy before there is a chance of reconciliation.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:01 pm
by PCHeintz72
Under such a senario, I belive she might *try*... in the anime she is shown as being willing to be sneaky... the problem is it is pretty pathetic looking watching her doing it...

The idea of her getting caught rings as exceedingly true..

Heh... her attempting it though would mean she would have to give up her title of being Sailor moon a soldier of *love* and justice... maybe *lust* and justice...
(as an aside, I hated the *justice* part, since they are merely vigilantes)

Of course, with the Senshis track record, with Usagi's luck were she to succeed, it turn out to be a Skima or monster of the week...

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:34 pm
by Ellen Kuhfeld
When it comes to other men, there was a lot of romantic tension between Usagi and Seiya in the Stars season of the anime. With Mamoru in the US and not answering Usagi's calls, I was rooting for Usagi and Seiya to get together. (Mamoru had already been taken out by Galaxia. Usagi didn't know that. I only suspected it.)

That was also the season where Yaten grew rather close to Minako, and Taiki to Ami -- but definitely, Seiya was the hottest of the bunch. Otherwise, I can't remember much romantic action from the inners. There was the animated special Ami-chan no Hatsukoi (Ami's First Love) but she never even got to meet Mercurius.

All things considered, Usagi had the cream of the boyfriend crop. The other Inners mostly had crop failure.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:12 pm
by PCHeintz72
You forgot the guy they saved that was had precog... I think he liked Ami. Pretty sure the name was Ryo Urawa.

Ther was also that shrine assistant that worked at Reis shrine.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:55 pm
by Ellen Kuhfeld
Ryo Urawa counted, I think. The guy at the shrine could have counted, but never got around to it.

Re: Is it possible for Usagi to suffer from...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:18 pm
by Spica75
SailorStar9 wrote:
So, this could happen:

After high school, the Inner Senshi split off to college/university, where the Guardian Senshi each find boyfriends of their own. With Mamoru returning to Harvard for a second time, Usagi feels lonely, despite the nightly phone calls and regular letters/emails. Then, during one of their meet-ups, Usagi finds one of the girls' boyfriends attractive. Would she be jealous and lonely enough to actually steal the said Senshi's beau?

And by steal, I mean, create incidents that would cause the couple to break up, and Usagi would swoop in and nab the guy before there is a chance of reconciliation.

No. She might flirt a lot or complain about it, but not "create incidents that would cause the couple to break up".