PCHeintz72 wrote:Ehhh... what do you mean, 'Where do they come from?' they come from the minds of those authors.
I could name probably a dozen more, mostly crossovers I've read over the years...
Like one where Chibi-Usa overthrows her parents, banishes them to a monestary, and beheads the inners after they betray her (which was actually quite good, and I wish the author would continue).
Or one where an outsider takes it upon himself to alter the perceptions of several of the inners (by teaching and training, not mind control or magic), thus preventing the cycle.
Or one where The time gates self destruct, giving Ranma an opportunity to undermine the senshi and make the outers loyal to him.
If I had to put it to a reason, it is that at least some human beings believe that perfection, or a utopia, cannot possibly exist as depicted in Sailor Moon. Without even thinking about all those age old discussions about *how* it comes about (and no, I do nto want to go there *again*), merely that it *is*. As such, it must be brought down. it also would be a vehicle for action, conflict, and motivation, and keeping readers interest and on their toes...
Perfection, or utopia, for the masses, is an unknown in current real world, and right or wrong most humans have a fear of the unknown...
Maximara wrote:Another issue is that one person's utopia can be another's dystopia. Also if you really look at Crystal Tokyo it is NOT a utopia as it has had many battles over the course of centuries with the Black Moon Family "that have killed many" ( see http://www.fukufics.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7088&start=60 )
While at odds with Prince Dimande's account King Endymion gives us this:
"A great calamity befell the Earth that you live on now. And the Earth settled into a cold sleep. It slumbered on for a long, long time. In time it became the thirtieth century, and with the power of the Silver Crystal and Neo Queen Serenity, Earth was awakened. With Neo Queen Serenity as their queen, Earth began to prosper, centered around the future city, Crystal Tokyo."
More over as pointed out Zwzn in the manga "the citizens of Crystal Tokyo are dissolving like Code name Sailor V/Beryl arc youma" "If they turn to dust when cut off from the Silver Crystal's power it is very possible the Silver Crystal was the only thing holding them together."
In the anime Crystal Tokyo has an even darker undertone as people are subjected to the "Cleansing" which supposedly removes "evil" thoughts (what qualifies as evil?).
"In the anime, the people of the Black Moon Clan refused the purification offered by Neo-Queen Serenity at the formation of Crystal Tokyo, and were subsequently banished by her to the planet Nemesis." (Prince Dimande - WikiMoon)
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=Another issue is that one person's utopia can be another's dystopia. Also if you really look at Crystal Tokyo it is NOT a utopia as it has had many battles over the course of centuries with the Black Moon Family "that have killed many" ( see http://www.fukufics.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7088&start=60 )
[restored moved sections please note bolded parts]
In the anime Crystal Tokyo has an even darker undertone as people are subjected to the "Cleansing" which supposedly removes "evil" thoughts (what qualifies as evil?).
"In the anime, the people of the Black Moon Clan refused the purification offered by Neo-Queen Serenity at the formation of Crystal Tokyo, and were subsequently banished by her to the planet Nemesis." (Prince Dimande - WikiMoon)
"Used her?" Replied Diamond. "Rubbish! We were banished by the people on Earth, to a cold, dim, isolated and distant moon! It's worth losing one of our own, if it means getting revenge on the people of the Earth!" ("Birth of the Wicked Lady" Sailor Moon Episode 78)
While at odds with Prince Dimande's account King Endymion gives us this:
"A great calamity befell the Earth that you live on now. And the Earth settled into a cold sleep. It slumbered on for a long, long time. In time it became the thirtieth century, and with the power of the Silver Crystal and Neo Queen Serenity, Earth was awakened. With Neo Queen Serenity as their queen, Earth began to prosper, centered around the future city, Crystal Tokyo."
Exactly. How can they have battles over the course of centuries when everyone was put under ice up until the thirtieth century, and the story is not said to have taken place beyond the thirtieth century? We can only assume that any battles that took place happened within the thirtieth century, because we neither know when they happened or even -- I believe -- when the Earth froze over.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=More over as pointed out Zwzn in the manga "the citizens of Crystal Tokyo are dissolving like Code name Sailor V/Beryl arc youma" "If they turn to dust when cut off from the Silver Crystal's power it is very possible the Silver Crystal was the only thing holding them together."
Zwzn? Oh, noes!
And the problem with what was pointed out is: not only is it terrible logic to assume that the people were held together by the Ginzuishou, but that the reasoning behind it -- as far as I can tell, based on how much this is being taken from the anime -- was pieced together from two different continuities. Even if it wasn't, there's no basis for the Ginzuishou holding them together, and much more basis to believe that it was the black crystal that was responsible.
"In the anime, the people of the Black Moon Clan refused the purification offered by Neo-Queen Serenity at the formation of Crystal Tokyo, and were subsequently banished by her to the planet Nemesis." (Prince Dimande - WikiMoon)
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:After all, even the alien invaders from before were given the choice of being cleansed after their defeat, and most refused, which also resulted in a banishment.
Maximara wrote:Please note that I am comparing the manga and the old anime. In the manga AFAIK there is no great freeze and many great battles can occur. The old anime is quite spacific that the Great Freeze happened sometime in the 20th century. In the old DIC translation it si expressly stated that Crystal Tokyo is in the 30th century; I don't know about the newer translation if that is still true.
Zwzn expressly stated Code name Sailor V which is a MANGA; there is NO anime version of this. He expressly is comparing theway the youma dissolve in the Code name Sailor V MANGA and Beryl arc (since is is connected to Code name Sailor V this is the MANGA version as well) to the way the human IN THE MANGA dissolve. No anime is mentioned.
And it isn't "terrible logic" to assume the people were held together by the Ginzuishou . In fact, it is a common trope going back to the tales of fairie of the middle ages--removed from the 'magic' that kept them young they age to dust.
Choice of evils as the song in the animated version of Return of the King goes. It is like the 'choice' Bugs gives Daffy throughout one of their cartoons - he can be shot by Elmer right there or when Elmer gets home. Now matter what Daffy chooses he still gets blasted.
The aliens in the anime (between Beryl and Wiseman) IIRC were not under any outside force. They were simply out of desperation trying to supply their tree with energy as they needed it to stay alive. So if the Cleansing only removes outside evil influences their would be no reason to cleanse them.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Plus, there are not many great battles in the manga, nor any that lasted for centuries (as was mentioned in a prior post). This is true of both continuities.
Maximara wrote:Not exactly right
Go back and read http://www.fukufics.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7088&start=60 and http://www.fukufics.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7088&start=75
"Many times, they have begun battles and killed many" We may not see them but the King states there have been battles where many have died.
Also if the Black Moon clan are really aliens as you claim they can't be rebels; they would be invaders. Big difference. It is akin the nonsense that is in the claim that Paul Revere was yelling 'The British are coming"; at the time he made his ride the people he was yelling to WERE the British!
The King also states "Today, almost all the people on Earth have long life span from the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal" but elsewhere we have "They have not been given eternal life. The Phantom's time is buried several centuries in the past. Even they may not known if they are the decedents of Phantom"
The king implies the people who would to become the Black moon clan were not given immortality before they become rebels. Otherwise he would have said they had their immortality removed. The more iI look at what the king is saying in the manga the more I get the impression of something not being quite right.
Why did the Black Moon Clan rebel in the first place?
Why were its members not able to be made immortal before they became rebels?
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:For the anime, the peaceful aspect of Crystal Tokyo was not ruined from within, since it was ultimately destroyed by those hailing from Nemesis.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:(I would like to note that it can still be considered a utopia if unwanted elements were weeded out in the past in order to produce it.)
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Before then, by the sound of things, it seems like Crystal Tokyo is doing very well socially and economically, at the very least.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=Also if the Black Moon clan are really aliens as you claim they can't be rebels; they would be invaders. Big difference. It is akin the nonsense that is in the claim that Paul Revere was yelling 'The British are coming"; at the time he made his ride the people he was yelling to WERE the British!
Um... I never said that the Black Moon were aliens, unless they happened to be banished twice. I'm referring to the aliens ("belligerent forces from beyond the universe" is what the translation I'm referring to says) who tried to conquer Crystal Tokyo before the Black Moon turned up.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=The King also states "Today, almost all the people on Earth have long life span from the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal" but elsewhere we have "They have not been given eternal life. The Phantom's time is buried several centuries in the past. Even they may not known if they are the decedents of Phantom"
The king implies the people who would to become the Black moon clan were not given immortality before they become rebels. Otherwise he would have said they had their immortality removed. The more iI look at what the king is saying in the manga the more I get the impression of something not being quite right.
I honestly can't make any sense out of what you're trying to say.
Maximara wrote:Except that even the 1990s version states that the people on Nemesis originally came from Earth. SInce they come from Earth the destruction ultimately came from within!
That depends on your definition of "utopia"; the weeding out of "unwanted elements" may have been viewed at "proper" in Plato's Republic but by modern views it has a decidedly dystopia bent.
And that is how Brave New World is depicted. Again I compare Crystal Tokyo to Huxley's creation.
Uh WHERE is this? Neither of the pages previously posted here say anything about this. If anything they suggest everything was fine and then the Doom (Death) Phantom shows up and went on a crime-killing rampage. We exiled him and just after everybody was starting to forget these Black Moon guys showed up.
It's simple. Nearly everyone on Earth is supposed to be immortal--so why aren't these people?
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=Except that even the 1990s version states that the people on Nemesis originally came from Earth. SInce they come from Earth the destruction ultimately came from within!
...That's very twisted logic. So, because they or their ancestors just happened to be a part of the civilization's past, even removed from it and developing into an entity all their own their actions must reflect upon said civilization as if they were one and the same? I'm not buying it.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=That depends on your definition of "utopia"; the weeding out of "unwanted elements" may have been viewed at "proper" in Plato's Republic but by modern views it has a decidedly dystopia bent.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:If we are presented with an image of a prosperous and happy society, by that definition we can reasonably surmise that they could be living in a utopia.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=And that is how Brave New World is depicted. Again I compare Crystal Tokyo to Huxley's creation.
I must strongly disagree with that. We don't know many specifics about Crystal Tokyo, whereas details of the World State is plentiful, so making a comparison is beyond reasonable. That would be like calling a plank of wood (Crystal Tokyo) a ship (World State) because they both float in water.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=Uh WHERE is this? Neither of the pages previously posted here say anything about this. If anything they suggest everything was fine and then the Doom (Death) Phantom shows up and went on a crime-killing rampage. We exiled him and just after everybody was starting to forget these Black Moon guys showed up.
You quoted from episode 83. I said that what I said was in response to what you mentioned from episode 83. I even noted that the translation that I referred to was different, particularly as it related to the banishment.
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=It's simple. Nearly everyone on Earth is supposed to be immortal--so why aren't these people?
And, again, no one was ever -- or supposed to be -- immortal. Long-lived or ageless an immortal does not make.
Maximara wrote:In the anime the Black Moon family seem to be the original people exiled from the planet. The United States still has threads of its United Kingdom past running through it and there are even elements of the even older Roman (Republic) and Greek (democracy) cultures. The United States didn't really become separate from the UK until 1812 some 29 year later..a generation later.
Plato's Republic is a fictional place as well and it has some dystopic aspects to our modern eyes but it was written as the first utopia.
We are presented with the Renaissance as a prosperous and happy society but it wasn't a utopia by any stretch of the imagination.
utopia - An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. (oxford online dictionary)
Again look at Huxley's Brave New World:
Is the World State prosperous? Yes
As a whole are the people of the World State happy? Yes
But Huxley's world is NOT a utopia but a dystopia. People are programmed (Cleansed) to accept their station in life and when that fails there is soma (more Cleansing).
Wells Things to Come (the movie) has a future government that is portrayed as a Utopia but as one commentator noted 'there are no non white faces to be seen'.
Go back and reread http://www.fukufics.com/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7088&start=60 it is clear that Crystal Tokyo is the World State.
There are two types of immortality - the inability to age and the inability to die.
There is one Greek myth where a goddess begged Zeus to make her mortal lover immortal but she forgot to ask that he not age. He turned into a grasshopper. A more modern version of this kind of immortality are the Struldbrugs of Gulliver's Travels.
The deities of many pantheons were immortal in that they didn't age but they could still be killed.
Vampires in their many incarnations are immortal in that they don't age but they can still be "killed".
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=There are two types of immortality - the inability to age and the inability to die.
Incorrect. Only when one is not subject to a form of death is one immortal;
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:Maximara=The deities of many pantheons were immortal in that they didn't age but they could still be killed.
What deities from what pantheons?
Crescent Pulsar S wrote:As for vampires: if they can be killed, they're not immortal.
Maximara wrote:We are presented with the Renaissance as a prosperous and happy society but it wasn't a utopia by any stretch of the imagination.
Ellen Kuhfeld wrote:"Maximara=We are presented with the Renaissance as a prosperous and happy society but it wasn't a utopia by any stretch of the imagination.
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