Man, I should have dusted my profile and visited at least once a month.
Anyway, I've come back. While existing fics, like WSatD and Soldier, Sailor, Jedi, Sith are stuck in somewhat a creative limbo (sorry folks, but my muse on them has faced the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog and ran away), I have had some fits of creative inspiration, including the first chapter of an Alternate history/Nippon '46 story (that's stalled at writing Chapter 2), and an outline of a Star Trek (TNG/Post-TNG)/Princess Bride fic.
What else has been going on? 42, returning to college (Thanks Post 9/11 GI Bill!) to finish my BA in Political Science, moving around, and this-
Buying a school bus to gut and convert into a RV (build thread here)
I've also started porting over my existing works to DeviantArt, to expand my reader base and also because (and some of their users) has...issues.