Sibling-who-lived Fanfiction

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Sibling-who-lived Fanfiction

Postby Karei » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:49 am

I'm not certain this is the right place to put this, but I guess it counts as Other, right?

Anyway, this is a discussion is for those who read Harry Potter fanfiction; specifically sibling-who-lived fiction, as the heading indicates. I've not found a discussion on this particular topic before. I've been wanting to see what other people think of this subject to understand why it seems to be so common, so I'll start off.

My view of sibling-who-lived fiction: I hate it. This seems to almost be its own genre from how many fics of this type there are, and there's just something about it that is a pet peeve for me. It's not the actual sibling-who-lived part. That can actually be an interesting fic idea if done right.

My problem with this genre in general is that almost every fic of this type I've come across has invariably changed from "Sibling-who-lived" fic into a "Harry-is-abused, neglected, ignored, or abandoned-by-his-own-parents" fic. This annoys me greatly and makes it extremely difficult to find a good sibling-who-lived fic, because there are so very few that don't use this concept.

Okay, I've said my piece. What do the rest of you have to say on this matter? Please help me understand why people seem to like this so much that they keep writing more of them.
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Postby dogbertcarroll » Sun May 11, 2008 10:54 pm

I've seen a few that didn't go that way, but yeah, just like most slash fics, they twist the characters into some obscene caricature of the originals to make the scenes work. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually put the work into character development to make it realistic, but most are just cookie cutter copies of a poorly thought out idea and the few that aren't usually use some cop-out later about a spell being used and everyone somehow missing it for a decade.
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Postby Vilkath » Sun May 11, 2008 11:58 pm

I have to agree, the idea it self is not too bad. For Harry to have a sibling that is either the BWL or simply mistaken as the one who lived while Harry was the real child of destiny.

The sad fact is almost all of them fall into bad character development, suddenly the good and light family like the potters turn abusive, some times even worse then the Dursley's. The new Sibling who lived is almost always pampered beyond excess by every one, even Dumbledoor whom in cannon thought it was a bad idea for Harry to get so much fame and yet doesn't put up the same advice to other 'boys who live' some times going as far to tutor the child personally.

Then you have the rather large problem of the neglected Harry almost always goes dark, but are very stupid about it. Having vast plans of evil but no real method to get there. Not to mention not having any training in occulmancy or anything to protect his secrets and blabbing out his dark desires to almost any kid his age that will listen to gain 'loyal followers'. Like 11-year-old kids could be counted on as loyal followers.

I think one the harshest fics I have read is called Squib or some thing like that where Harry's loving parents stole his magic as a child to save his brothers which was damaged in the Voldemort attack, making Harry a squib, knowing the process had a good chance of killing the boy. If that wasn't bad enough eventually the parents start to treat Harry badly because he is a squib. It is actually one the better Sibling who lived stories I have read, but it does include large doses of illogical character reactions.

In the end it's a genre I just can't really get into most the time. The logic is often non existent in those fics, almost as bad as those slash stories between people who hate each other and are straight then suddenly love each other and find gay now.

If that wasn't bad enough, they are almost all incomplete after the first few chapters for one reason or another. More often then not the plot holes are so bad they can't continue.
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Postby dogbertcarroll » Mon May 12, 2008 12:05 am

Oh yeah. I think some of the few I liked had Harry as the sibling, but planning on protecting the other. The family did neglect him a bit, but that was because they were concentrating on training the other one so they wouldn't die.

I have to admit to still liking a few of the other sort, but mainly because I like massive collateral damage.
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