Suikoden One Half, how the mighty have fallen?

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Suikoden One Half, how the mighty have fallen?

Postby Vilkath » Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:33 pm

So this once great story was updated again, and the most driving question remains for me what happend to this story? Any one else here happen to be a fan of one the more epic length fics in Ranma fanfiction?

It was once a pretty great Ranma/Suikoden cross over and eventualy added a few more series to it. But around the halfway point or so where Madhat's arc started the story really went fubar in my opinion. Way to much chaos, to many characters to many cross overs.

Ranma almost seemed downgraded to a supporting character and we have hardly heard of any thing from the suikoden cast in ages. I also have to say this dual author bit does not seem to be working for this story. I have seen Co-authored works that were done right before, but in this case it seems like even more like a series of Ranmdom events because the two authors rarely connect their chapters to each other.

In a way I am rather sad, not many Ranma/Suikoden stories out there and most them just use minor things like the Runes as a source of magic power up for Ranma.
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Postby KonokoHasano » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:26 pm

In my opinion, the story FUBARed when the mega-harem started forming, and it reached the pique of that when Ranma's female form was added to the mix. At least... I vaguely remember Ranma's female half being added.
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Postby Vilkath » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:43 pm

Hmm yeah if I remember right it was on the rather cliche attempts to cure his curse that ended up seperating it into it's own body that just happens to love Ranma. Not to mention having the ability to use all the runes consumed in the attempt at will.

The mega harem aspect wasn't so anoying as the fact he had literaly dozens of girls after him and seemd to stay as naive as always. I know Ranma is portrayed as rather daft when it comes to women most the time, but when you have over 20 girls after you even the dumbest of people should catch on, not to mention some kind of libdo waking up.
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Postby Seraph » Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:33 am

I've only read some of MadHat's Naruto fanfics, but doesn't he tend to use lots of cliches, huge harems with over the top figures, and some rather very bias portryals of characters? I remember he always made all of Konoha(cept for Hinata) in a very negative light.
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Postby Chrysicat » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:09 pm

Seraph wrote:I've only read some of MadHat's Naruto fanfics, but doesn't he tend to use lots of cliches, huge harems with over the top figures, and some rather very bias portryals of characters? I remember he always made all of Konoha(cept for Hinata) in a very negative light.
Wait, mean there's someone out there who's worse about turning Naruto into haremfic than Perfect Lionheart? I abandoned Chuunin Exam Day when it went down that path...
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Postby KonokoHasano » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:36 pm

Wait, mean there's someone out there who's worse about turning Naruto into haremfic than Perfect Lionheart? I abandoned Chuunin Exam Day when it went down that path...

As did I. I liked Chuunin Exam Day, but then the mega-harem came...
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Postby Vilkath » Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:36 pm

Chunin exam day had more problems then the simple harem issue, the entire feel of the story changed drasticaly from something some what serious with ocasional comedy to a complete crack fic.

In the end I don't really feel it's the size of the harem that matters, but the quality of the relationships with in it. All though I will admit size does matter in the fact past 6 or 7 girls it really gets almost impossible to give all the girls quality time and romantic moments to validate the relationship.

Both Chunin exam day and Suikoden 1/2 did not simply fail because their large harems but how weak most the relationships were. In Chunin exam day Temari, Hinata, Tenten and even Ino to a degree had some real growth to how and when not only they fell for naruto but when he fell for them. Something the later girls really started to lack. I think some thing most harem story authors need to ask themself is if this girl was in the relationship by her self would it be interesting? If not then she is mostly a background character with no real depth and better suited towards a one night stand then eternal love type setting.

I will say large harems are not always bad though if done right. I rather love Path of Chaos: Ascension of Supremacy by Lord Rance and it has already built up to about 6 girls with hints at others being interested.

I feel it boils down not to just the quality of the relationships in the harem but how much of the story revolves around it? Some times the pairings no matter how bad they are is all the story has going for it. Especialy in Naruto and Harry Potter fanfiction many authors love to change up the romantic pairings but other then that follow cannon plot almost exactly.
"A hero is just the brave idiot who charged a dragon and didn't die."
Chibi Sailor Senshi
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Postby Seraph » Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:07 am

the harems was only in one fic that I can remember now I think about it. the first fic I read of his started out very interesting, but right when you get to what you think is the climax, naruto, tone, and plot suddenly does a 180 or something and leaves off with naruto pairing that is the most fubar thing I have ever ever seen. no harems though.

2nd fic has the potential for it, if only cause he had an army of women hoping to be wedded to him as he is the heir to an all female nation with a uber bloodline that makes the sannin look like wimps.

Last one I read, was a fantasy one where he gets a so large of a harem, that I believe its countless(I could be mistaken). or at least, it just keeps growing with another random girl(many of which, are fantasy races) with super duper endowed figures.

a common theme in all of the naruto fics is extremely negative light of konoha and its some evil place that should be wiped out from the face of the planet. (Thats one naruto cichle that really annoys me)

I'm merely wondering if I was only one who got that impression from his writing. he writes well and seems to attract a lot of people who bother to give a review, but...
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Postby Yrael » Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:40 am

KonokoHasano wrote:As did I. I liked Chuunin Exam Day, but then the mega-harem came...

Agreed, though like Vil said, it had more problems than just that. At roughly the same time, the story really started to spiral in a lot of different directions, moving away from what was once a very steady, progressing fic.

The harem thing was definitely what actually killed the fic for me, though.

As for Suikoden 1/2, I had originally planned to work my way through it this weekend, but after this thread, I think I'll save myself the trouble. :)
Last edited by Yrael on Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dumbledork » Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:01 am

The problem is that I really don't see a reason for a harem in Suikoden 1/2. Most of the girls don't play a major role in the story. I liked it when there was a silent war between Chris and fight Hat to see who got Ranma. Those characters are really interesting and important to the story. I could stomache one or two more girls but that's about it.
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Postby Vilkath » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:20 pm

The really sad thing is if you read the reviews people have been saying things about the story going off track, having to many cross overs etc for a while now but the author/authors just seem to ignore it. I know not every author listens to their reviews, it is their story I suppose and they can do what they want.

Still it does make the point that the authors at least know their story has gone Fubar and they don't seem to even care. Another chapter has come out today and it's just as fubar as the last, on a bright note it seems like the author might be forcing the fight between Ranma and the others some time soon. I can only hope that after the buisness with Mad hat is done with things might get back to some kind of order.

All though something like 20 chapters of filler is anoying as all heck, especialy the Eva cross over with all those Rei sisters with different powers that put them in the unbeatable range.
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