So this once great story was updated again, and the most driving question remains for me what happend to this story? Any one else here happen to be a fan of one the more epic length fics in Ranma fanfiction?
It was once a pretty great Ranma/Suikoden cross over and eventualy added a few more series to it. But around the halfway point or so where Madhat's arc started the story really went fubar in my opinion. Way to much chaos, to many characters to many cross overs.
Ranma almost seemed downgraded to a supporting character and we have hardly heard of any thing from the suikoden cast in ages. I also have to say this dual author bit does not seem to be working for this story. I have seen Co-authored works that were done right before, but in this case it seems like even more like a series of Ranmdom events because the two authors rarely connect their chapters to each other.
In a way I am rather sad, not many Ranma/Suikoden stories out there and most them just use minor things like the Runes as a source of magic power up for Ranma.