Karei wrote:Typically I don't care about Sue-ness as long as it's entertaining.
That said, after having read just a few sentences of it, I'm going to say that Neon Exodus Evangelion sucks, simply because in general I hate OCs. I'm not interested in reading about characters made up by the fanfiction author. I want to see stuff about the characters I already know and love.
Anyway, back on topic.
I like The Open Door by Academia Nut. There are some who will tell you that it
that was me, for anyone who doesn't frequent the TV Tropes FanFic Recommendations pages. And I stand by my hatred for The Open Door, but not for the reasons I originally posted in those comments.
When I started reading TOD, I thought it was a pretty cool fic too and for a while I didn't care that New Chaos was walking all over everybody else because they weren't stepping on the toes of any characters I really cared about. That changed the moment the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha characters were introduced; suddenly, Tzintchi is apparently trying to get Fate to turn her back on the others by using Alicia and Precia to split her loyalties in two directions, then his agents nearly kill Vita and start brainwashing her into switching sides.
In the space of a few paragraphs, New Chaos stopped being Crazy Awesome Heroic Sociopaths and transformed into irredeemable Complete Monsters. It is neither an exaggeration nor a metaphor to say that Vita's brainwashing scenes made me feel physically ill (specifically, I felt like my heart suddenly tripled in weight and tried to sink through my stomach. Not at all pleasant). All desire to keep reading died right then and there; no other group of characters, villains or otherwise, ever made me want to write a revenge fic as much as New Chaos did. I've even got a few ideas how it'd go, and they all involve a Super Robot Wars-style crossover matchup/epic beatdown.
The worst part, however, is that New Chaos is largely portrayed as the protagonists in this story, and it's unlikely they'll ever get what's coming to them (I'm not talking about losing the occasional battle, I'm talking about
absolute and irreversible annihilation). That's why I called them God Mode Sues; upon reflection, Karma Houdini is far more appropriate, along with Villain Protagonist and Complete Monster. They are the most utterly unlikable group of characters I've ever encountered, and their usage of 40K's "we're assholes because our survival depends on it" excuse rings completely false considering they could easily appeal to one of the Multiverse's higher benevolent powers for assistance (The Culture or the Dai-Gurren Brigade, for instance, could flatten the Necrons and the C'Tan without blinking, and they would if Tzintchi just asked them nicely. But
As for your comments on OCs, I respectfully must laugh in your face for your hypocrisy, Karei.
All characters are original characters until you get to know them. Why would you not give DJ Croft a chance after you gave Shinji Rei and Asuka a chance? And it's not as if DJ is the only character in the story; Rei, Asuka, Misato and all the rest are still present, as is Shinji, though he doesn't come into the series until much later on.