Following is not intended to be harsh or to be overly critical of what you said. I can respect that you disagree entirely with being able to have a canon RanmaXMale pairing in a story. I simply try to disprove that below and offer examples of where said pairing can be made into a plausible event even with a canon Ranma.
kjyl wrote:that you belive that I am saying that I am saying that Ramna ending up with a guy is a canon suportable event *? Because that is pretty much the opposite of what I have been saying.
But it is untrue to the canon version of the character.
That depends on your definition of the canon character. With a female body and possibly instincts to go along with said body how do you know that? Obviously psychologically he retains a male perspective at least on the surface but we've never seen inside his head overmuch. He shamelessly flirts and dresses up rather well when its advantageous to him. You think each and everyone of those interactions is a put on?
To be clear I'm not saying that Ranma is at all LIKELY to jump in bed with some male figure, but assume the curse is locked for years and all his other love interests move on. He's had to deal with being in a female body for longer then he was male, so now he'd have over ~15 years in a purely female body with all that entails. You're saying after living that, that'd be impossible for him to become more feminine or to look at men in a different way? That's what the story I linked does. It slowly evolves Ranma to that point and he still struggles with it and doesn't want it before embracing it in the end after lots of struggle. That does feel in character and possibly canon when you consider time and other pressures and loss of other love interests. I agree with you that Ozz's story doesn't feel canon and other stories that have Ranma becoming feminine in less then a seeming month just don't work. Increase the timescale dramatically, add in deeply scarring events, or obligations and mix in a possibly locked curse for a long period and things become much more plausible. Alternatively you've got a
story like this and this where he refuses to change and those are in character and feel plausible to a canon character portrayal too, but even in those obviously being stuck as a woman long term or having obligations changes things as well it should.
The whole, 'stop being gay if they tried' is totally useless to this conversation. Magic is involved. Who knows what happens to his brain when he changes back and forth between male and female forms. Who knows what effects the hormonal changes would have on him. If you want to go the learned behavior route for sexuality then that could easily be mutable when everyone else around him sees him as a female in his female form to whatever extent. If you want to go the born sexual preference route then how do you know the female form isn't different and Ranma is just embarrassed by this and doesn't let it affect him pulling up a overly macho exterior to cover this up? Either is plausible and you simply discounting them because on the surface Ranma rejects them just means you haven't really considered all that's possibly going on psychologically with Ranma. Do I think Takashi wanted Ranma to be totally heterosexual and never have to deal with these sorts of questions? Yes, obviously. Look up her interview where she's disgusted by someone asking if Ranma could become pregnant. That doesn't mean one can't use her source material in a way she might not have intended but still can fit in with a canon character when done very creatively. This usually isn't the case but it does happen rarely in some very good stories.
Atlernatively when you have something like in
Lost Innocence I think that to could be plausible for character interactions and character changes coming from a very very dramatic event, albeit at points it is excessive and a tad preachy. Of course there's the flip side to that story
The Silent Horse where Ranma is almost raped and does change in a believable fashion but doesn't develop a female mindset. You've also got
stories like this one where Ranma sacrifices his male side because he has obligations that only his female side can complete. While I don't believe that story does enough with the conflict between that it's still a good example of how a loosely canon Ranma could cave in to his feminine side. Then you've got a story like
this one where Ranma's male form is gone. Dead. He doesn't spontaneously seek male companionship but with only a female body left and people who have no connection to his previously male life only seeing him as he is that slowly changes too. Is that in character and could it be construed as canon? I believe it can.
That doesn't mean I don't like stories where Ranma just goes, 'Teehee I'm a girl!!' but I'm not going to point you at one of those and go, 'That's canon!'.
The story I did link though does feel that way to me. Give it a read, and give some of the other stories I linked herein a read. You can disagree certainly but to me some among those are examples of a plausible RanmaXMale or at least a canon Ranma evolving quite a bit toward this point you state isn't possible.